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Anu nasnmuchiyappavihi saru jihadevian hari mihi sagamaniya vas hota palo vini pahi rayaram chudamani. Dhatta ise visatu livi varpade salilam ih hipadyan tarjin puravasi lamo laho nripsvidinan. Tavalyariru sanayantran nadigraendiudhitra sah janavarusnasala lihi mani vadan tumharam vakhanidi om kumkha samamel var nanchad pahar hi
salinad (navadalu haru khoshtasian rai larutadisitruniydsasian saghurviki ranavali jadiya3 umtrenacha hogaipadian mandatmauni lapaschyi tametadin vivarantarsyani samagamonakachch ray pasara vil nalasilay lekha lekhisantan. Siriar hain siddhairi yah ushayasid ka kiriyad panch manchiya samaj di dihi suvar paducharai parmehi hin. Ghula asi shranusar panch karanam sayam na do saya dai chorarima risiddi paniye uvasameti miganand. 123. Tapaikalera vini mahina diyaravinignad na ruttarepi te surente tariparidiya tahije samate ratranayapanandaneri dihi padimajirlind hokari nitiyar. Nignamthanmanohar paharne vajian laviya karu lakhan larakaval khiya deha hausaranamaitra rajejehi hanusaranamaikkahinivadan. Kadhievam sulabha ramamagna ho samaaisarasal 324
How that Nidhisvara was rescued. The goddess who played the vina like a melody went home. Here the king of kings
Dhatta - fell into the water of a great lake, entering that high and low cavity. While going and floating, he climbed onto a pillar made of stone. 11.
In the meantime, the sun reached the setting place. As if the ball thrown by the king of days was going to the circumference of the west direction, it was shining or like a gem lying in the mine of the great ocean, it is saffron and a group of flowers, it is blood. As if the red four-hour is red with blood-like juice. As if the new petal has fallen from the tree of the sky. It is. As if the girl of the direction has eaten the red fruit. The disc of the sun, which is adorned with rays, has fallen into a downward motion due to its fierceness. From the thick Tamal trees, blue, in which there is a confluence of gems, inside such a cavity, in which darkness is spreading. Shri Pal is sitting on the pillar of the blue stone, but the group
out of fear of the fire, Shri Arhant, Siddha, Acharya, Upadhyaya and the virtuous Sadhus, who have accumulated the five right views, meditate on the feet of the Lord.
Dhatta - In front of the one who meditates on the five-lettered Namokar mantra with joy, thieves, enemies, epidemics, fire, water and animals, the group of aquatic animals become peaceful with joy. 12.
In the meantime, the sun rose in the morning, as if it had come out by tearing the belly of the earth. That king immediately saw the image of Jinendra Bhagavan, which was pleasing to the eyes, situated on the shore, while swimming in the water. Nirvikar Nirgranth - beautiful, free from weapons, holding the support of the hands, which was marked by millions of signs. I (poet) say that she was like non-violence. I say that she was the path of liberation, and for the path of hell, she was a difficult arm-like obstacle. Swami Bharat. He sprinkled it with water from his head,