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Vasudhalu, Sri Paluraja, other requests, there dance watching
New foot, sure Lopetadisagidiuvana, he also uparamivapanasiryala | Vimivinaami Vinar Var Jaijat Hai. Titamanahar Tannimapane Vikramare Tunathe Devdevamai Vibhirunchana Navemene Saral Somali Pahadi Nadam Helii, Tahishravasaresas Kamento Majavar Saramanupaloit Dillaha Unaavi Bandhanu Parilamantipayalaik Piyat Karharupa Seth Paviyal Kamala Dadhabhandhu Divilulai Susiy Vamupukhkihkak Rusa Sai Takam Shyamuhay Hosim Rakal Var Visayasamma Ramaudhadhunaderma Tahinsiri Dareli Haru Naravai Tahomuhka Rinidharini Ayav Inside Hiyamhimanibravche Hinaivainvedin Rirdevadpadam Dam Ke Ahi Isav Shinde Puris Vesni Ai Joso Shihije. Inumai Sannimapuvimadgamana Vayana Dimaag Sadpyar
Dhatta - Jagpal Raja's Tapascharan due to people, that Sure (Yaksha) in the forest established. That Yaksha in front of humans pair dancing. Raja Vasupal says that, Hey Sri Pal! Listen. || 2 ||
If man and woman both, man man being and woman woman being dance, then beautiful would be.
This hearing, Kumar Sri Pal said that, Hey Dev-Dev! I definitely know that this other simple and delicate woman, who human form in dancing. That occasion on, work his arrow left and illusionary man beautiful Kumar saw, his knee knot loose fell, eyes spinning started and
Mind trembling got up, lips twitching went, sweat leaving started, tightly tied hair braid also left went, mouth drying started and he stumbling words in speaking started. Then Kanchuki that compassionate from says that, Pushkalavati country in beautiful Prasadowala Ramyak name country is, which wealth-group from delightful is. Sri Pur city in his Raja Lakshmidhar is, his auspicious doing Jayavati Rani is. His respectable 'Yashovati' name girl was. Kings in best that Raja, Jagatpati Muni to bow doing asked. Who Kamadev's mirror-like tree roots destroyed have, such Indrabhuti Munindra said was - who this girl man form in dancing recognizing will, he this girl youth enjoyment will take. This hearing, Raja me Rashabhav generating singing and playing education gave.