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Paripurita Hingkuyancha Manikya Vanshaja Gahammd Sahorevanchita Tiyaismaasyaastra Banasalipi Yadattaasyaatha Sabahavaashanaadasanaran Dinaavilavpanivsagarangehanyasaviparitaaviyaasch Ssavisthaledhaaviyaashtaakapadaavaajathkaekakathpakarajalaasakhapakhadya Karavalampu/Kajdhaakaralabiyakhamay Payapasayahiuhaalyaadiyanavajassavashyaamaliyaadatra Lahannupavitadincharuyabannuhiyavamsansaarhaakhaaneviravachit
Putreenukeyarita Nigaralaya Girikaharalae Banayasavitakilshanamanhos.
Karanpancharatnatto Hisammaandaakaaranalakalajishanarataadaramitaadajanav
Jain. Miyadanaavivaaha
Ramavaase Amilmadhyapatamashah Ransamivashtaakiran
Paase Tau latasahinsamaantinaahi Enndiviindhamaalapahiib Pitaamahaasumanukkaahaangpiy Dakshaasanghaviraalavivaahanayavaakhamarepislaayavaastupaypal Hosiya Sahasyamanaakhaadavasiridaayamswagashshaavasamasyahaashvanana 200 Haagayajammagharaanasaadimatapupunulagnamasaahimpiimpyamaasataaran.
In one of them, five jewels were kept, whoever takes it will be her husband. Priyadatta and other thirty-two daughters, for good reputation and charity, O friend, should not quarrel. ||24|| They came there. The Seth gave ornaments, unguents and clothes etc. to all and said, "Take the pitchers of your choice", and he showed the pitchers filled with food. Then, one by one, golden vessels filled with many kinds of food were placed near the Jain temple situated near the royal palace, near the Aryikas Amritavati and Anantavati, one of the girls took it. The pitcher filled with jewels fell into the hands of Priyadatta, who can cross the path of destiny? Gunavati, with the auspicious sounds of drums, took up penance. The daughters of the merchant's son Yashovati, Namavali, Shubhasakhi, Prajapal, who encouraged the noblemen, did not take the golden vessel filled with food. One was married to Priyadatta. Lokapal, who observed vows, died and became the virtuous Prajapal, in a moment his mind became detached from the world.
A son was born. Devashri Devi, who walked with a proud gait, had a daughter named Vasumati, the wife of Dhanavati. In the previous birth, Ghatta - (they started saying) it is good to enter the mountain-like house filled with animals and perform penance. She (Vasumati) was given to him (the son of Prajapal). Then both of them were bound in the bonds of love.
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