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Here is the English translation, preserving the Jain terms:
The Maelakaali Larikabijauvaanivandhu Parvanaadolpaagholataarthi-dhu Mamarii Pahacapinakarimaae.
Jarukahikaavaapasaaemai-jaanivaaranakpana Jaajapitamadanavisvakaparnna Saaktimsa Ukhalakaaliyaagananimakiviyaskaaliyannyaacanavihauvayariyaamaamasasipaayyaa Paasvikativitaanamanamaariisidhasbalapaasuhaausukaraakadaphalanaaghataamaajna
Sassamakaimalanasaa Madhuvisulaayyaacandahaara. Gangaadeavyaamadhe
Gamangaadeavyaniyanivaasa Caannavivaarapunagiriddaga Rasukhovapaakaau
Ugathharuyyatnajamarindaavapammasokasanjoyanae Eka Jaakaramaa
Hingisamathamulaayyamaae Ashtrakaanenisapuujaamya Paahae Khabaramikpatadihataammhaadaavapahaavaskakilanada Maatra Upannjammatarusacha Haanaahaamaaadvilavantiyaahin Kulana
Ciyapanayanganaativaaahi Sindhicandanamaasiyajalna Yaa Saasiyalayamaraaninana Paaraavayamidanaalaayana Mahaaviyamanamaasaalapana Daaraiyarahaara
The signs of the movement of the wind are shaking, and seeing Jayakumara, who is bound by enmity, the cruel crocodile, in anger, pulled the elephant. From the trembling of the seat, I understood that the deer-eyed, unshakable moon-like Sulochana, who praised the Gangadevi in this way for her residence, why should she be killed by the wicked Kaali? Why did she touch the muni-mind by sinful conduct? Then, like a mountain, he urged that elephant-king and went to Hastinapura. Shall he go happily? Thinking this, when I descended here, that enemy had fled somewhere. After a long time, when I, while governing the Saptaanga Rajya, rescued the elephant with a combination of abundant love and happiness, and you obtained this happiness from the fruit of your merit.
When he was sitting in the court with the virtuous Sulochana Devi, he saw in the sky the removal of the dirt (sin) of the Vidyadhara, the awakening of the intellect, the diversion of the streams of wealth, and the destruction of the enemy. Saying "Where are you, O Prabhavati Devi?" and remembering the previous birth, the king becomes unconscious, and the treasure enters the house. What cannot be obtained through dharma?
Then, O master, O master, thus wailing, the daughters of the family and the virtuous women bathed him with sandalwood-mixed water, and he was comforted by the breeze of the restless chaamaras. Seeing the pair of pigeons, the beloved Sulochana also became unconscious due to the experience of affection.