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## Jarkalash
**Rood ka karoo taap saman sopathin kulamanaadire saru ashyadan sumara insookhaniyam tasyadan suranaraavam danijagasarakha guru sansaramhanavataar kaam kand kapyarankudharane. Hos. Shyyakam lavanes daran is sanchitivisunuparihil desh sasah pos din dhumdhanayulahuk rinirusall na pukchchdvaar sohil saatapes yathavanesakayananarupvirasyhana jadipvanayariyasevasup nai pa tifull mudamukapan mayaran deshnavanmannai. 101 Ahinsar remriripayers fasen viyas klupasana par dim kutmadasan yadavaen din kon kors nanter visalu kilanjar makayar ulluro senrunjar satdodanu desh kinliya avaruvi guru mat hoihiniyay**
When the last Kulakar was staying with him, Indra thought in his mind that the great ocean of the world, which is worthy of being worshipped by the best gods and humans, will be born from these two, who are the axe to cut the root of desire, the venerable Jinas. Thinking this, he decided and gave an order to Kubera - "O Kubera, you quickly build a beautiful, very good city with four gatekeepers." Then the Yaksha accepted that order and quickly created the city of Saketa.
**Ghatta - Where, due to the Acharya in the form of wind, beautiful Nandana forests with beautiful leaves (worthy ones) are dancing, intoxicated by the pollen released from the mouths of flowers. 17**
**Swargarai Maharaj Anandajaksadesam || 18**
In the lake, where the lotus blossoms with satisfaction due to the touch of Lakshmi's feet, who does not rejoice in his own treasury (wealth, which is free from darkness, or the treasury is the home of pollen), which is enjoyed by others and free from the fault of darkness? Why does the elephant destroy that kind of lotus? As if for this reason, the swarm of bees cries out in anger. Does the elephant give him (the swarm of bees) a gift (intoxicating water) out of fear? Another great person is also humble!