Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
The translation preserving the Jain terms is as follows:
The Marude-vyā's (Goddess's) ornamented arms,
Indicate the lotus-like palms that do not reject (the devotee). Even the heart seems to be protected from violence. The slender fingers have crushed the delicate. The acquisition of the immobile and the mobile, the hypocrite, the slanderer, the soft-eyed, the hairy, the large, the beautiful, the three lovely ones, the blind, the lame, the green, the yellow, the friend, the enemy, the secret, the open, the grammar, the compound, the dense bond, the Śāṃka (a type of jewel), the Devinī (a type of jewel), the Tuāī (a type of jewel), the Khaṣana (a type of jewel), the Rādi (a type of jewel), the Tōraṇa (a type of jewel), the Lakṣaṇa (a type of jewel), which the daughter-in-law of the father-in-law has conquered, the divine body of Kāma (the god of love), the uplifted, the auspicious, the doubt, what shall I say about the weight of her hips?
Ghaṭṭā - I have seen her deep navel, her slender middle part, and her insignificant abdomen. Due to association, no quality comes in anyone, if that quality is not self-born in them from birth.
Traversing the steps of the Trivali (three folds), crossing the path of the hair-line, he clung to the mountain-like breasts of the beloved, like a garland of pearls. The mantra of subjugation of the beloved, which resides in the roots of her arms,