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"May we both attain sainthood." Hearing this, the king also gave his consent.
Sixty thousand kings also renounced the world. And then, twenty thousand other kings also performed the kesaloc ceremony and took initiation. Then, the king established the gentle, joyful, and victorious child, who was like the moon, in the kingdom. Thus, as soon as the king renounced the world, the beautiful woman (Anundhara) arrived there. She said, "O King, O son, you are to be worshipped by the best of men. You should rule your subjects."
The wise man, who destroys sins, is situated with his appropriate austerities. He has controlled his mind, which is peaceful and broken, and is under the influence of desire.
The king, who has renounced the great elephants of the mind, the restless neighing horses, the golden chariots, the best warriors and sons, many countries, and vast inner apartments, has restrained his mind. He has abandoned his dwelling, his ornaments, and his clothes. The emperor, who has renounced the entire earth, has taken refuge with the disciple of Yashodhar, Gandhar, in Girihar. He has cut the bonds of Yama. He has removed the passions. He has taken initiation in the taste of the Supreme Soul, with that infinite brilliance that did not even desire the earth that was being given.
A thousand sons, who uttered the praises of the Jina with their mouths, took vows and became knowledgeable in the path of the monks.