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"Yarisisamitagadasopavananidajivagadassabalata khajarasantpajapjayuparinav sartkaarekalamhanivashta jahiindhah sandhudhagayanayalagachch amusahkalifadhaashya shrahamuthiratranaho paramesagiuriladhav manalghuharaniva sarjjanivsatyarna tadi tahikhaminanparabhaktejajashaan karaneta vipujivan yogalukihitasasavinjavenpognalkijin shavinujivan yogalukirama vishjayognalarkisamasavinajapognalarkajia vijaava panakhakinik vijapaanakhavin kinvahanavayanagakanasatavyadasyiviyasi yadi anjanayudayashivasaydi janjarajepavaschaahihihi tivisupana panananimarakidajo. Panchpadassajavanavitaho kavanusaukira kavanavijachiniyamtadangashtachitigapoor kiladalihivarakaekimmahalayanachitavidhikinnakarai kojapa shsasina kanaan vihaayagar, munavarkavukhumurisajid siddha horkijanyasanavagnatavata kintrapatha khavavivadisvadhyalayavanimanavimuniyarinchvaghana chitavadolehaani jiyaho chitalihanun sansathaashva dabidiyasadhiyain jaainjainirutta thayadava jojapchasanip hipsasajashpayha taas piyamharasamipinamamantma panaditahala jashsojhinahitachdamtrana chimmannahokihivannaanu.
Matisagar Rishi went to the king. The king asked him about the nature of living beings. The sage explained everything to him. The king, being intelligent, said, "If the living being sees and narrates stories, then why doesn't it see without eyes? The world undergoes transformation, O great king, and the reason for it is time.
What is the feeling and image of that which is not seen when it comes and not seen when it goes? If it is only thought, then where is time present? It is certainly the expanse of the sky. The cooperative factor of motion is Dharma-dravya, and if there is bad motion, then why does it worry? Why doesn't it fulfill its desires? Why does the poor die of hunger? The clear reason for stability is Adharma-dravya. This is what the Supreme Being has said. ||14||
Why doesn't the one who is worried eat? Who knows what has been said by whom? The Agamas are like a new blanket or nine blankets. Why do people bow to the Guru for the sake of the principles? Why do they destroy themselves in the heat of penance? Is there no other way? Hearing this, the sage said, "The Pudgala-dravya is inanimate, O king! Whatever is animate, I tell you, there is indeed a thought - just as a painter without a pen cannot paint, in the same way, the sense organs and the living being are the cause of knowledge. Without a living being, does Pudgala suffer? Without a living being, does Pudgala laugh? Without a living being, does Pudgala enjoy? Without a living being, does Pudgala wander? Without a living being, does Pudgala live? Without a living being, does Pudgala see? Without a living being, does Pudgala hear? Whatever is not seen by the eyes, if that substance is not there, then, O son! Have you not seen your great-grandfather's great-grandfather being pierced by pain and screaming? If that is not there, then you are not there either. How can there be qualities like color, etc., in mere thought? For Private & Personal use only"