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It is said in the Jinaagam that when eight mustard seeds are gathered, they form the size of a barley grain. In the Param Pad, from the Palya, an Uddhar Palya is formed, and from countless Uddhar Palya, a time period equivalent to a sea-island is formed. Who can find fault in what is seen by those who reside there? The Munis, in brief, say that even eight barley grains, when multiplied by countless, form an Adha Palya, which is an angul, the bearer of birth, existence, lifespan, and measure. Six anguls make a foot, two feet make a Vitasti, and two Vitastis make a Hasta. When ten crore Palya equivalent Ghatikas are exhausted, a time period equivalent to a sea is formed. A Ratni is considered to be a Dand in the mind, and a thousand Dands make a Yojana. I have observed that this Yojana, multiplied by eight, is equal to the time cycle of as many seas. Look, I will tell you the same: multiply it by a thousand, then multiply that by five hundred, and then show it to the world as the Kevalgyani has said. ||7|| Thus, it is called a Maha Yojana, and from its measure, the earth is dug, three times its circumference, round and round. And it is filled with the hairs of the children of the subtle mesh that cannot be cut by scissors. When it is full, do not count it. In a hundred years, one hair, Sushma-Sushma, another Sushma, Sushma-Dushma, then Dushma-Sushma, Dushma, Ati Dushma, Lord Mahavira, when that hair-raj is finished, then surely one Vyavahar Palya is complete. These six time divisions are declared by those countless. This time cycle gradually decreases and increases in prosperity.