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English translation preserving Jain terms:
You do not know the secret of the words of the Jina. O disputatious scholar, why do you compose poetry? Your unbound possessions are momentary, so why is not the passion that perishes in a moment? Is it not that the soul is free from the skandhas (form, sensation, perception, and mental formations) at the moment of origination of cognition, feeling, perception, and mental formations? Then, O knave, why did you call the unexperienced as momentary? Laughter, desire, enjoyment, eating, etc. are very much associated with the mental formations. The wise one with vast intellect says, "Just as the mirage, dream, and illusion are, so is the known to be for some time. What appears is the momentary skandha. O king, there is neither self nor bondage, all this is its maya. Therefore, O king, the visible world is indeed not real. Guru-disciple and religious duty are real."
This empirical reality is also not the self-body. Then the devotee of the Muni-doctrine answered the momentarists - Running over the fish jumping in the water after leaving the piece of flesh, there is no continuity (anvaya) in the world. Flesh is not a substance in the sky. The water-essence of the cow's body itself becomes milk.
If the poor thing is not a substance, then the hair of the tortoise, the son of the barren woman, and the flower in the sky are also, just as the jackal, so the human being is also corrupted in two ways. Who does not become attached for the sake of the other world? Tell me, who remains for a moment and what has existence does not perish again. Hearing false talk, (the person) abandons patience and thus the hell-fearing one harms his own body. Who knows the truth other than the Jina? Leaving the living beings etc., the essential nature becomes transformed. Fearing that the sky will fall, the 'tittibi' bird stands with its legs raised high. If the severed mind knew the mental states of others, then another would take away the mind established by another. Then the fourth minister, humble with prostration at the feet of the Muni, said,