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There are deceitful people in every house, who are filled with anger, who steal from others, who are full of poison, who are subservient, and who fill themselves.
He had made an effort. He had illuminated compassion in the six types of beings. The results of the six leshyas were pacified, the six substances became visible. He had deeply eradicated the seven fears, that steadfast one had eradicated the seven obstacles. Alas! I have not destroyed the objects of desire by being overpowered by many actions, and I have gained knowledge of the elements for the sake of my own being. The compassionate one destroyed the eight intoxications, that senior one destroyed the eight perfected qualities, hundreds of beings were slain. || 9 ||
He remembered the nine types of celibacy, he saw the nine substances. Alas! He knew the ten types of Jain Dharma and the eleven images that destroy the ignorance of the steadfast, unchangeable Shravakas, and the twelve images of the monks. || 10 ||
At that time, the great sage Bahubali, who was worthy of being worshipped by Indra, Chandra, and the gods, contemplated in his mind the qualities of a single being. He dispelled both attachment and aversion. He removed the three impurities from his heart and generated the three jewels (right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct) in his mind. In short, he abandoned the three types of pride. The god abandoned the three glories. He pacified the four types of consciousness that dwell in the four types of movement and the bondage of karma. His five great vows were unbroken, and the five inlets of inflow were destroyed. He had rendered his five senses useless, and he had also specifically destroyed the five knots of knowledge-obscuring. In the six essentials,
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He understood the thirteen types of action-places and counted the thirteen types of conduct, he abandoned the fourteen types of attachment-impurities, he knew the fourteen distinctions of beings. Abandoning the fifteen types of carelessness, knowing the land of merit and demerit, pacifying the sixteen types of passions, dwelling in the sixteen types of vows, and also the seventeen types of unrestrained, the eighteen types of samprayamohiya, the nineteen types of naathdhyan (nathdhyan),