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Chapter 14
259-279 and a proposal to accept Bharat's subjugation through strategy. (17) Description of Bharat's conquest by the messenger. (1) Arrival and request of Manishekhara Deva; Bharat's order to open the cave door; projection of Dandaral. (18) Description of the conquest, Bahubali's anger. (19) Bahubali's angry reply. (20) Messenger's reply (2) Opening of the cave door; description of the cave. (3-4) Fall of Guhadeva; Bharat sending his chakra and its and Bharat's indication of invincibility. (21) Bahubali's condemnation of the king. (22) The messenger returns and Bharat's army marches from behind. (5) Marking of the sun and moon in the cave passage, commotion among the different species of snakes. (6) Report from Samunmana. (23) Description of sunset. (24) Depiction of twilight. (25-26) Description of the pleasures of the night.
and reaching the banks of the submerged rivers and building a bridge; the army crossing the water. (7) Fall of the kings of the Mlechchha clan. (8) The Mlechchha king calling the king of the Vishdhara clan of snakes. (9) The Mlechchha king's Chapter 17
335-352 order to counterattack, the snakes causing continuous rain through their knowledge. (10) Protection from the leather gem. (11) The army being surrounded (1) The auspicious beginning of the war; Bahubali's anger. (2) The reaction of the women. (3) The sound of the war drums; but Bharat himself retaliates. (12) The fall of the clouds.
The warriors getting ready. (4) News of Bharat's attack; Bahubali's anger. (5) Preparation of Bahubali's
army. (6) The warriors' boasts. (7) The sound of the war-trumpet. (8) Intervention of the ministers. Chapter 15
279-307 (9) Proposal of a duel by the ministers. (10) Agreement for a battle of sight, water and wrestling. (11) Sight (1) After conquering Sindh, the king pays obeisance to Rishabhanatha and sets out for the Himalayas. (2) Battle in the Himalayas; Bharat's defeat. (12) Water battle; description of the lake. (13) Bharat's defeat. (14) Bharat's encampment in the foothills. (3) The king, Himvant Kumar, reacts angrily upon seeing the arrow shot by the Bharat side. (15) Wrestling match; Bharat's defeat. (16) Praise of Bahubali. reaction. (4) Seeing the letters written on the arrow, he surrenders. (5) Accepting subjugation, he leaves. (6) Bharat goes near Vrishabha Maheedhar; its description; on the banks of that mountain were engraved the names of many kings Chapter 18
353-366 who had ruled; condemnation of the kingdom. (7) Bharat's acceptance that his desire to become king is futile, (1) Bahubali's remorse. (2) Condemnation of the struggle for power; the impermanence of the world. (3) Bharat still inscribes his name. (8) Departure from the Himalayas and stay on the banks of the Mandakini. (9) Ganga's reply; Bharat's praise of Bahubali. (4) Bharat's remorse. (5) Bahubali's remorse. (6) Description of Bahubali. (10) Ganga Devi honors Bharat. (11) Returning after giving a gift to Ganga. (12) The army going to see Rishabha Jin; praise of Rishabha Jin-initiation and taking the five great vows. and a detailed description of the river. (13) Entering the western cave of Vijayardha mountain. (14) Breaking of the door. (7) Bearing the burden. (8) Severe penance. (9) Bharat going to worship Rishabha Jin; after praising him, asking Bahubali; Bharat seeking forgiveness from Bahubali. (10) Bahubali's introspection (17) Request by Nami-Vinami; Bharat restoring them. (18) Departure of the army; entering the cave door; and penance; following the ten supreme virtues. (11) Following the principles of character; attaining omniscience. (12) Marking of the sun and moon by the gods. (19) Coming out of the mountain cave and reaching the Kailash cave. (20-21) Arrival at Mount Kailash. (13) Bharat's entry into Ayodhya city. (14) Bharat's achievements and splendor. (15) Description of Bharat. (22) Ascend to Kailash. (23) Seeing Rishabha Jin. (24) Praise of Rishabha Jin. depiction of his prosperity. (16) Description of pleasures.
Chapter 16 307-335 Chapter 19
366-378 (1) Marching towards Saketa, the reaction of the army, reaching the border gate of Ayodhya, preparations for (1) Bharat thinking about charity. (2) Condemnation of a miserly person. (3) Who is a virtuous person. welcome. (2) The chakra not entering the city limits. (3-4) Description of this fact in an ornate style; Bharat (4) Kings summoned. Establishment of the Brahmin caste. (5) Establishment of the Kshatriya caste after the Brahmins. asking the king the reason for this. (5) The ministers' statement about Bahubali. (6) Bahubali's (6-7) Definition of a Brahmin. Donation to the Brahmins. (8) Seeing an inauspicious dream. (9) Bharat's description of Rishabha's invincibility; Bharat's reaction. (7) The messenger going to the Kumaras; the Kumaras' reaction. seeing Rishabha Jin and asking the result of the inauspicious dream. (10) Rishabha Jin's criticism of the misdeeds of the Brahmins. (8) Criticism of material dependence. (9) Condemnation of the remaining brothers, except Bahubali, for neglecting moral values for material values. (11) Prophecy. (12) Statement of the result of the inauspicious dream. (13) Prophecy. (10) The Kumaras going to Rishabha, praising him and taking renunciation; Bahubali's refusal. (11) The messenger giving this news to Bharat; Bharat's anger. (12) Bharat's strict order to the messenger. (13) The messenger going to Bahubali's residence; description of Podanpur. (14) The messenger's meeting with Bahubali Chapter 20
378-401 (1) Definition of Purana. (2) Refutation of the agency of the world. (3-4) Description of the world. (5) Meeting with Vijayardha mountain. (15) The messenger's praise of Bahubali; Bahubali asking about his brother's well-being. (16) The messenger's reply description of the mountain. (6-7) Description of Alakapuri. (8) Description of King Atibala. (9) Description of Queen Manohara.
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