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Page Number
## Chapter 8 (130-147) Chapter 11 (191-216)
(1) Tapas, a six-month rigorous fast. (2) Others who were to take Diksha getting distracted from it. (1) Jñānī-paryāpta Jīva. (2) Description of various Tiryanch-gati Jīvas. (3) Description of Bharat and other regions. (3) Description of their reactions. (4) Warning by divine sound. (5) Abandonment of Jina-Diksha and other (4) Description of Hari-Kshetra etc. (5) Description of Himavat Padma Sarovar. (6) Description of Padma-Mahapadama etc. Sarovars. beliefs; some returned home. Arrival of sons of Kachchha and Mahakachchha; Rishabha in deep meditation. (7) Description of Antarvīpa outside Jambudvīpa and their Jīvas. (8) Description of Bhavanavāsī etc. Devas. (6) The throne of Dharmendra shaking. (7) Dharmendra coming to Rishabha (9) Description of fifteen Karmabhūmis, description of Maranayoni. (10) Where Jīvas go from where, seeing it by Jina; praise by Nagarāja. (8) Description of the importance of Rishabha Jina for mankind by Nagarāja. (11) Description of Jīvas going from one गति to another. (12) Description of Naraka-vās. (13) Explaining Narakas; purification of Nagarāja's mind. (9) Conversation of Nagarāja with Nami-Vinami. (10) Nagarāja telling them about different burrows. (14-20) Description of Naraka's tortures. (21-22) Description of five types of Devas; taking Nami-Vinami to Vijayardha Parvat. (11) Description of Vijayardha Parvat. (12) Attainment of knowledge by Nami-Vinami. (23) Description of celestial chariots. (24) Description of various types of Devas. (25) Description of the height of Devas. (13) Nagarāja gave one श्रेणी of Vijayardha Parvat to Nami. (14) Giving the second श्रेणी to Vinami etc. (26) Description of the state of Kāma in different heavens, the lifespan of Devas. (27) Description of Sarvarthasiddhi. (15) Description of the importance of punya.
Devas. (28) Description of food etc. in Naraka-Devabhūmis. (29) Description based on Yoga-Veda and Leshyas. (30) Description of high-low nature based on Karma-Prakriti. (31) Description of different states of Kshayas. (32) Description of five types of bodies. (33) The nature of Moksha, the true state of the soul. (1) Ending of Kayotsarga by Rishabha. (2) Vihar. (3) Shreyans seeing a dream. Description of his brother, the king. (34) Description of Ajīva. (35) Taking auspicious feelings by Vrishabhasena. Asking the result of the dream from Brahmi-Sundari Aryika Soma Prabha. (4) Entry of Rishabha Jina into the city. Requesting Rishabha Deva to go to their home by the people of the city. (5) Information about the arrival of Rishabha Jina by the gatekeeper to the king; both brothers going to Rishabha Jina. (6) Remembering the previous birth and the incident of food-donation by Shreyans. (7) Mention of different types of donations. (8) Praise of donation to an excellent recipient. (9) King bowing to Rishabha Jina. (10) Donation of sugarcane juice. (11) Rain of five types of gems. (12) Vihar of Bharat etc. Jina; attainment of knowledge. (13) Entry of Rishabha Jina in Purimatalpur. Question by Bharat seeing it; answer by the charioteer, stopping of the army. (9) Description of the camp. (10) Spending the night, Chapter 12 (216-243)
(1) Description of Bharat's victorious journey, Sharad Ritu. (2) Departure. (3) Description of the march of the royal army. (4) Description of military equipment, mention of fourteen gems. (5-7) Departure of Bharat; description of the Ganga River. (8) Praise by the river; (14) Description of Purimatalpur garden. (15) Self-reflection and Karmakshaya of Rishabha Jina. (16) Attainment of Kevalgyan. Departure towards the east in the morning. (11) Entry into Gokul Basti, reaction to the women there. (17-18) Arrival of Indra; description of Airavat. (19) Arrival of Devas by various vehicles. (12) In Shabar Basti. (13) Departure of Bharat. (14-15) Description of the sea. (16) Shooting arrows on the sea by Bharat. (20) Arrival of Devanganas. (21-23) Description of Samavasaran. (24) Description of the sky adorned with smoke lines. (17-18) Anger of Magadh Deva. Anger of Magadh Deva. (19) Reading the letters on Bharat's arrow. (25) Description of flags. (26) Description of the outer walls and stupas; description of the theatre. Anger subsiding. (20) Surrender of Magadh Deva. (27) Description of Devas bowing and offering a throne. (28) Description of the flower rain from the sky. (29) Praise of Jinavar by Devas.
## Chapter 13 (244-258)
(1) Departure of Bharat for Varadam Tirtha. (2) Staying of the king on the banks of Upsamudra and Vaijayant Samudra, description of the army in a simile, fasting by the king, worship of family symbols and emblems. (3) Sunrise, description of the bow. (4) Detailed description of the bow. (5) Surrender of Varatanu. (6) Description of Bharat's liberation from bondage and westward journey. (3) Description of the impact of Rishabha Jina's Vihar after attaining Kevalgyan; departure towards the Manastambha direction, reaching the banks of Sindhu. (7) Description of the Sindhu River (in a simile); setting up camp by Bharat. (8) Description of evening and night, sunrise. (9) Fasting by Bharat and worship of weapons after which division of Lavana Jīvas. (10) Differences in Jīvas; description of Prithvikaaya etc. (11) Entering the sea with Vanaspatikaaya and Jalakaaya; finding an arrow, self-surrender of Prabhas. (10-11) Description of Jīvas on Vijayardha Parvat. (12) Mention of two-sense-three-sense etc. Jīvas. (13) Description of Dvīpa Samudras. (14) Description of aquatic creatures.
## Chapter 10 (178-191)
(1) Praise of Jinavar by Indra. (2) Description of Rishabha Jinavar seated on the throne; divine sound and (4-8) Praise of Rishabha Jina by various Devas-Devanganas. (9) Explanation of the truth by Rishabha Jinavar. (8) Departure towards the Vijayardha Parvat; victory over Mlechchhas; conquering various Janapadas and ascending to the peak of Vijayardha Parvat; defeat of Vijayardha. Setting up camp by the army; destruction of the elephant of Vindhya.
Jain Education International