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The immortal ones attain supreme happiness. The tree of Dharma, which bears the fruit of liberation, grows rapidly when it is protected from the flames of hatred and anger, as described by the great sages. Its body is born from the earth of forgiveness. Its leaves are gentleness, its branches are fortitude, and its roots are truth and purity. This auspicious tree of Dharma gives the sweetest fruits in the world. Its trunk is restraint, and it is adorned with two types of great austerities, the new blossoms. Its fragrance of four types of renunciation spreads far and wide, delighting the swarm of bees, the beautiful world. The sound of the monks' voices echoes within it, and it bestows countless blessings on the gods, the celestial beings, and humans, wherever they may be born, in every life. It destroys millions of sorrows in every new body. It is the giver of a hundred auspicious fruits, the suppressor of the long labors of the poor and the destitute, pure, gentle, and full of devotion. May my mind, turned away from the principles of the wicked, be drawn to the presence of the Jina in every life. May I, in every life, be a dweller in the body, the abode of the five senses, adorned with the radiance of celibacy, honored by the assembly of swans, free from the power of destruction, and born with a pure mind, free from the passions of attachment and aversion. May I, in every life, behold this tree of Dharma and protect it with the attitude of compassion for all living beings. May the bonds of desire be broken and the net of delusion be diminished in every life. May I, in every life, be a devotee of the Jain religion, taking refuge in the steadfastness of meditation, the support of the virtuous, and keeping the animals of false belief away from it. May I, in every life, be born in the pure and refined community of the followers of the Jain religion, the community that is cleansed by the fire of knowledge. May I, in every life, be a devotee of the Jain religion, watering this tree of Dharma with the stream of the revered water, and diligently nurturing it. May the sages be my teachers in every life.