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The unnamed, unquenchable thirst of the Tirthankaras, filled with unbearable sorrow, is quenched. Those who dwell beneath the sky in the cold season, who abandon the pleasures of love due to their renunciation, who stay away from the affairs of home, city, and country, who find solace in the roots of trees in desolate dwellings and cremation grounds, who make their abode in the lap of the earth, who are devoid of affection and engage in irregular conduct, who are tormented by bites of insects, hunger, and thirst, who have a body like an elephant, who fast until the end of the fortnight, month, and year, who endure the hardships of gods and food, who are subjected to harsh criticisms by the wicked, who are afflicted by the wind and clouds, who are constantly creating new forms of existence, who are the descendants of the great sages, who are filled with detachment, who are the righteous monks, who are the masters of the cold and hot seasons, who are adorned with matted hair and are naked (Digambara), who are adorned with gold and whose breath is like a leaf, who are the embodiment of the special metal (Mūṣā) of the body of the monk, who are burning with intense heat, who are equal-minded towards life, friends, and enemies, who are accustomed to enduring difficult trials, who are afflicted by diseases, who are coughing, who are shining like gold, who are free from the impurities of karma, who are liberated, who are Kevalis, who are the masters of the breath, who are engaged in the management of birth and death, who are destroying the old karmas, who are like a waterfall drying up, who are like a pond drying up due to the rays of the sun when the dam breaks, who are like the senses being controlled, who are like the practice of the sage's penance, who are like the karma done in the world being destroyed, who are like the tree of vows being split, who are like the elephant of the mind being prevented from going astray, who are like the elephant of the mind being controlled by the goad of knowledge, who are like those who eat one or two morsels of food, who are like those who avoid various attachments and tastes, who are like those who have long beards and hair, who are like those who are covered in dirt, who are like those who practice the austerities of Ātāmrā and Cāndrāyaṇa, who are like those who are quenching their thirst, who are like those who are destroying the prison of the whirlpool, who are like those who are free from disease, who are like those who are liberated.