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A vein 14 rajus high and 1 raju wide, lying between the Lokanali and the Lokas. It is called the Tras Nadi or the Lok Nadi. Generally, the Tras beings reside in this Tras Nadi. 48.16
[R] Rakta - a great river 63.196 Raktoda - a great river 63.196 Ratnamala - a river near Mandaragiri 58/51 Ratnadweep - a major place for gem trade in India 59.148 Ratnapura - a city in India 59.88 Ratnapura - a city in Malayadesh 67.90 Ratnapura - a village in Magadhadesh 62.328 Ratnapura - a city in Bharatavarsha where Lord Dharmanath was born 61113 Ratnapura - a city in the Airavatakshetra of Jambudweep 633157 Ratnapura - a city in the Vatsakavati country of the Pushkarardha Dwip 5802 Ratnapura - a city 633127 Ratnasanchay - a city in the Madlavati country of the Videhaksetra 503 Ratnasajhaya - the capital of Pak Raj of Videha 63.215 Sthanupura - a city named Rathanupura Chakravan 62.96 Rathanupurachakraval - a city in the southern range of Vijayadhaki 62.25 Rathavart - a mountain 74/157 Rathavartadri - a mountain 62.126 Ramaniya - a city situated on the Manujoday mountain in Ratnadweep 75.303 Ramaniya - a country of Videha 633210 Ramyak - the fifth region of Jambudweep 633191 Ramyakavati - a country of the Videha region related to the Ghatakikhand Dwip 59.2 Ramyakavati - a country of Videha 631210 Ramya - a country of Videha 63.210 Ravipriya - a Vimana of the Sahmar heaven 59.218 Rajagriha - a famous city in the Bihar province, where the king resided 61156 Rajpura - the capital of Hemaangad country 75188 Kami - the fifth Kulachal of Jambudweep 63.193 Ruchak - the Vimana of Kapistha heaven 59/238 Rupyakula - a great river 63.196 Rupyasail - Vijayapर्वत 67.176 Roruk - a city in Kachchhdesh 75.11 Rohit - a great river 63.195 Rohitasy - a great river 63.195 Raivatkagiri - Girinar mountain 71.179
[L] Lakshmi - a goddess 63.200 Lakshmigram - a village in the Magadha country related to the Bharatakshetra of Jambudweep 71.317. Laknagar - the capital of Ravana 68.298 Lakapura - Lanka 689 Lagala - a country of Videha 63.208 Kantav - Santa heaven 59.280
Bakapura - the place of creation of the Prashasti Uttarapurana 34 Bangavishaya - Bengal province 66.20 Vats - a country of the Videha region 52.2 Vassa - a country related to the Videha region of the Pukardhadweep 5602 Vats - a country related to the eastern Videha region of Jambudweep 6412 Valsakavati - a country of the Videha region 48058 Valsakavati - a country of Videha 62.75 Vatsadesh - a country of the Bharatakshetra of Jambudweep 70.63. Vatsa - a country of Videha 631209 Vatsa - a city of Magadha country 7571 Vangiri - a mountain 67.115 Vanavasa - a country in South India according to the Prashasti 34 Vprakavati - a country of Videha 63211 Vpra - a country of Videha 63.211 Varahadri - a mountain of Vijay 72.108. Vardhaman - the name of the Pak city where the first Thahar of Lord Padma Prabh in his Muni state took place 52.53