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## Geographical Dictionary
**Madrapur** - A country in Malwa, also known as Bhaddanpur or Bhelsa (Vidisha). 56.24
**Madril** - A city in the Mangalavati country. 70.183
**Madil** - A city. 70.385
**Madrilpur** - A city in the Malay country. 56.164
**Madvilpur** - The birthplace of Shitalnath Bhagwan. 71.1303
**Bharat** - The first region of Jambudvipa.
**Bhaskar** - A celestial plane in the Maha Shukra heaven. 59.226
**Meemkut** - A mountain. 75.47
**Bhimaranya** - A terrifying forest near Manoharpur. 59.116
**Bhujangshailpuri** - The city of the Kichakas. 72.215
**Bhutaraman** - A forest. 63.186
**Bhutilka** - A city. 76.252
**Mogpur** - A city in the Hari Varsha country of Bharat. 70.74
**Mogpur** - A city. 67.63
**Mogvardhan** - A city in the Bharat region. 58.091
**Magadh** - A part of present-day Bihar province, whose capital was Rajagriha. 57.70
**Mangal** - A country in the Bharat region of Jambudvipa. 71.1278
**Mangalavati** - A country in the Videha region. 50.2
**Manasha** - A capital of Videha. 63.213
**Mattajala** - A river that divides. 63.206
**Mathura** - A famous city in Uttar Pradesh. 57.179
**Madhuk** - A forest in the city of Pundarikin. 62.86
**Madhuk** - A forest in the city of Pundarikin in Videha. 74.15
**Manujoday** - A mountain in Ratnadvipa. 75.303
**Manorama** - A large garden. 66.248
**Manohar** - A garden in Kaushambi. 69.4
**Manohar** - A forest. 67.66
**Manohargiri** - A mountain in the Vatsakavani country of the Videha region. 58.6
**Manoharpur** - A city. 59.116
**Manoharvan** - A forest. 59.204
**Mandar** - The Meru mountain. 51.02
**Mandarpur** - A city on the Vijayardha mountain. 66.3109
**Mandarshail** - The Mandargiri region (Bihar province). 58.052
**Mandar** - A city related to the southern range of Vijayardha. 63.177
**Mandir** - A city in Bharat. 74.77
**Mandirgram** - A village. 71.326
**Marudgari** - The Meru mountain. 71.421
**Malay** - The Malwa country. 56.23
**Malay** - A country. 71.293
**Mahakachha** - A country in Videha. 63.208
**Mahagandhavati River** - A river that originates from the Gandhamadana mountain. 71.309
**Mahanagar** - A city where Bhagwan Vasupujya had his first outing. 58.40
**Mahanagar** - A city in the Ramyakavati country of the Videha region, related to the Dhatkikhandadvipa. 59.2
**Mahapadma** - A lake. 63.197
**Mahapadma** - A country in Videha. 63.1210
**Mahapuundarik** - A lake. 63.198
**Mahapur** - A city in Bharat. 58.58
**Mahapur** - The capital of Videha. 63.1215
**Maharatnapur** - A city in Vijaya. 62.68
**Mahavatasa** - A country in Videha. 63.1209
**Mahavapra** - A country in Videha. 63.211
**Mahashukra** - The tenth heaven. 59.226
**Mahahimalavan** - The second Kulachal of Jambudvipa. 63.193
**Mahipur** - A city in the Gandhar country. 75.13
**Mahipalpur** - The name of a city. 61.11
**Manushottar** - A large circular mountain located in the middle of the Pushkar Vardvipa. 70.292
**Malyavan** - A lake. 63.199
**Malyavan** - A mountain in the Vaksaragiri. 63.204
**Mahendra** - The fourth heaven. 61.165
**Mithila** - A city. 66.20
**Munisagar** - A mountain. 63.94
**Mrigavati** - A country. 71.291
**Meghkut** - A city in the Amritavati country, located on the southern range of Vijayardha. 72.154
**Medhpur** - A city on the southern range of the Vijayardha mountain, related to the Purvabharat region of the Dhatkikhandadvipa. 71.3252
**Medhpur** - A city in Vijaya. 62.66
**Yupakesarini** - A river. 59.216