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1. Stambini 4. Udakastambini 5. Vishva Pravaishini 6. Apratighat Gamini 7. Bakashagamini 8. Utpadini 9. Vashikarani 10. Ashini 11. Mananiya Prasthapini 12. Promohini 13. Praharani 14. Sankramani 15. Awartani 16. Sangrahini 17. Bhanjani 18. Vipatini 19. Pravartki 20. Promodini 21. Prahapni 22. Prabhavati 23. Pralapaani 24. Niksheni 25. Sharvari 26. Chandali 27. Matangi 28. Gauri 29. Shadangika 30. Shrimantkanya 31. Ratasankula 32. Kubhandi 33. Viral Vegika 34. Rohini Manovega 36. Mahavega 37. Chandavega 38. Chapalavega 39. Laghukari 40. Parnaladhu 41. Vegavati 42. Sheetdada 43. 35. Ushnadada 44. Vaitali 45. Mahajvala 46. Sarvavidya Chhedini 47. Yuddhavirya 48. Bandhamochini 49. Praharavrani 50. Bhramary 51. Abhogini etc. 621391-400 Pratima Yoga-Kayotsarga Mudra
Standing and meditating 48153 Evidence-substance of mutual opposition, eternal, non-eternal, etc. all the doctrines. The knowledge that accepts 62.28 Prajapati-marriage, a kind of marriage in which the groom and bride are married with the consent of parents, etc. 70.115 Pratihariyastaka-Eight Pratihariya 1. Ashoka tree 2. Throne 3. Chatratraya 4. Bhamandala
Paribhashik, Dictionary 5. Divine sound 6. Flower rain 7. Sixty-four Chamar and 8. Dundubhi plays these eight Pratihariya are of Tirthankara Arhant. The tree under which the Lord attains omniscience is called Ashoka tree in Samavasaran 54.231 Prayopgamana-Devotee rejection, Prayopgamana and Inginimaran. One of these three kinds of renunciation. In which renunciation death, the devotee himself makes his body walk, not by another, it is called Prayopgamana 621410
1 [V] Balabhadra's four runs-1. Ratna mala 2. Dideepyamaan hal
3. Musal and 4. Gada 62.149 Bashal Bhakti-Bahushruta Bhakti• A feeling 633327 Batira Dvishad Bhed Tap-Bahya
and Babhyantar's difference from the difference of twelve kinds of penance-1. Anashan 2. Avmodarya 3. Vrittiparisankhyan 4. Rasa parityaag 5. Vivikt Shayasan and 6. Kayaklesh these six are external penance. And 1. Prayashchitta 2. Vinaya 3. Vaiyaavrutya 4. Swadhyay 5. Vyutsarga and 6. Dhyan these six are internal penance 621156 Pijasamubhav-Samyagdarshan's kind 74.439, 444,
He is called Bhavy 59.214 Mavana-Tirthankara's name karma binding sixteen feelings-1. Darshan Vishuddhi 2. Vinaya Sampannata 3. Sheel. Vrateshvanatichar 4. Abhikṣaṇ Jñānōpayōga 5. Sanvega 6 Shaktitastyaga 7. Shaktitastap 8. Sadhu Samadhi 9. Vaiyaavrutyakaran 10. Bahkti 11. Pracharyabhakti 12. Bahushruta Bhakti 13. Pravachanabhakti 14. Bavasyaka Parihani 15. Marg Prabhavana and 16. Pravachan Vatsalya 48.12
[M] Mahamah-A special worship 75.477 Manasaahar-As many oceans as there are for the gods, after thousands of years they have a desire for the outside. As soon as the desire arises, nectar falls into the throat and their hunger is satisfied. This is called Manasaahar 61.11 Magpramavana-A feeling
636329 Margsamunav-Samyagdarshan's kind
Bhed 74.439,442 Mithyatvadi Panchak-Karmabandhak Nimnankis five reasons are-1. Mithyatva 2. Bavirati 3. Pramad 4. Kashaya and 5. Yoga 541151 Muktavaaki-A name of a fast. 71.408
[Y] Yoga-The movement of the regions of the soul-hasan-movement is called Yoga
Bhavy-Whose Samyagdarshan, Samyaggyan and Samyakcharitra