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Mahapuraana Uttara Puraanam
Your (yuष्मदीयं) earth (भुवि) is protected (ल्यात) by 166 protective garlands (रक्षमाला) shining (भास्वद्) in your house (युष्मद्गृहे) a great jewel (महारत्नं)
62 obtained (सम्प्राप्य) by the one (येन) who has the power (ताग्विर्ष) of the scriptures (ग्रन्थ) 260 the name of the collection of protectors (रक्षसंचयनामात्र) by which (येनाप्तानिमिषेश्वरैरयमयी) the eyes (निमिष) of the lords (ईश्वरैः) are obtained (अप्तानि) 24 jewel garland (रत्नहारं) and the tiriita (तिरीटं) by which (येन) the best (शिष्टमुरुवम) is liberated (विमुक्ते) 237 jewel (रत्ना) giver (धुपायनोपेतं) by which (येन) the lion (सिंहो) was killed (हतः) in the Sindhu country (सिन्धुदेशे) 146 jewels (रत्नानि) and by assimilating (चात्मसात्कृत्य) the self (आत्म) whose (येषां) measure (प्रमेय) is the face (मुख) the beautiful (सुमुख) measure (प्रमाणं) 566 jewels (रत्नानि) and treasures (निधयश्चास्य) increased (संवृद्धा) by the support (योगालम्बन) of yoga (योग)
jewels (रत्नान्युपायनीकृत्य) by making (नीकृत्य) yoga (योग) great (महांस्तस्य) from them (ताभ्यो) 233
these (एतानि) seven (सप्त) jewels (रत्नानि) this (अयम) yoga (योग) is spoken (प्रोक्तो) by the sages (ऋषिभिः) 256 jewel weapon (रत्नायुधो) born (अजायत) from the last (अन्त्य) kalpa (कल्प) which (यो) is here (तितिभूदत्र)
jewel (रत्नावतंसिका) garland (माला) which (यो) is known (ज्ञेय) to the one (शानशायक) who protects (शान) 158 jewels (रत्नैः) filled (अपूरयन्) the gods (देवाः) me (मां) who (यो) was fighting (योधुप्रक्रममाणं)
chariot (रथ) anklet (नूपुर) lord (नाथेन) with (सम्) the two (अभ्यां) terrible (भीम) fighters (योद्धमाभ्यां) 242 chariot (रथ) anklet (नूपुर) directed (उद्दिश्य) who (यो) is the fear (भयं) doer (कर्ता) of me (मम) here (अत्र) 546 chariot (रथ) anklet (नूपुर) king (राजासौ) who (यो) is the jewel (रत्न) collection (सञ्चय) city (पुर) lord (ेश) great (महा) strength (बलाख्यो) 24 chariot (रथ) destroyer (अन्तक) gold (नकस्य) his (स्वं) women (योषितां) ornament (भूषणं) shame (लजा)
chariot (रथ) destroyer (अन्तक) gold (नकस्यायं) in (सु) women (योषित्सु) vow (व्रत) character (शीलादि) 413
firm (स्थैर्) direction (दिक्) wheel (चक्र) attacking (माक्रभ्य) the warriors (योधाः) strong (पुष्टा) great (महा) measure (मात्रा) 525 beautiful (रमणीयाभिधं) making (कृत्वा) youth (यौवनं) old age (जरसा) will pass (पास्यं)
Rambha (रम्भ) pillar (स्तम्भ) etc. (अन्येषायौवनापूर्णसर्वान) other (अन्येषा) youth (यौवन) full (पूर्ण) all (सर्वान)
beautiful (रम्य) Rama (रामा) face (मुख) lotus (अम्भोज) [2]
beautiful (रम्या) and (च) beautiful (रम्य) named (काख्या) blood (रक्तस्य) mind (मनसा) satisfaction (तृप्तिः)
ray (रश्मि) speed (वेग) good (सु) speed (वेग) etc. (आदि) composed (रचिता) his (अस्य) lotus (अरविन्दाख्यो) named (ख्यो) 426
ray (रश्मि) speed (धेग) etc. (आदिभिः) with (सार्द्ध) protecting (रक्षित्वा) stood (अस्थात्) that (तं) prince (कुमारं) 228
taste (रस) feeling (भाव) entered (समाविष्टं) protecting (रक्षित्वैतत्सरो) this (एतत्) lake (सरो) of others (अन्येषां) 517
taste (रस) bottom (ातलं) gone (गतो) also (अद्य) Raghu (रघुः) ancient (पुरातनो) king (भूपः) 344
alchemy (रसायनादि) etc. (पाकाख्य) cooking (पाकाख्य) dust (रजस्येवं) thus (एवं) sky (नभो) part (भाग)
secret (रहस्य) work (कार्य) outside (बाह्यत्वं) colored (रञ्जित) crystal