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236 332
In the Uttarapurana of the Mahapuraana, on the thirteenth day of the bright fortnight of Magha, in the year 247 of the Maas cycle, on the fourth day of the bright fortnight of Magha, 68 years and 16 days after the 2nd, 26th, the foolish creature, on the fourth day of the bright fortnight of Magha, 16 years and 16 days after the 168th, the foolish soul, himself, on the bright fortnight of Magha, in the month of Magha, the great soul, the family resemblance, 286
There are eight of them, by their original differences,
224 Matangas, with their tall bodies, 318 Maheindras, having become celestial beings,
From the root, beginning with the earth, 462 Mothers, only these are not, 36. Mitravira, the lord of the forest,
Digging up the roots, collecting them, 347 Matagni, and she herself, 406 Mitra, Rudradutta's, 348 At the root, of the special duality, 347 Mother, they are very tame, 113 Mithila, he conquered,
The deer, some of them, do not harm, 550 Mother, Aparajita, of Keshava, Mithila, the king of the earth,
Deer, from there, then, terrible, 385. Mother, Srinagadatta's, 463 Falsehood, the absence of restraint, 148 Mrigavati, a son was born,
451 Mother, of these, Yamunadatta, 388 Falsehood, of the astrologers, in the world,
The deer, went, with the speed of the wind, Mother, connect with restraint, so it is said, 517 Falsehood, arising from birth, 158 Being sought, indeed, my creeper, 510 In the month of Magha, on the bright fortnight,
Falsehood, slander, and accusation, 274 Some died, some again, 320 In Madhava, on the last day of the bright fortnight, 128 Falsely, they took refuge,
480. Death, the practice of performing,
270 Loss of honor, among co-wives,
Wearing the garland of liberation, 402/ Death, or by the wheel of Dharma, 171 With the loss of honor, broken, releasing, making reconciliation,
Dying, born in the eighth kalpa, 402 Mind, and it is of four kinds, 156 The path of liberation, leading the worthy, 237 Dying, there itself, in due course, 151 The pillar of the mind, the rays, these,
The path of liberation, taking refuge, of humans, and of the gods,
Dying, there, the mountain of birds, the lotus of the mouth, of all, 461
461 Human, the end of the upper part, 188 With the mouth, the lotus, with the eyes,
Dying, in the Maheindra kalpa, he became, 42 Do not be afraid, so, friendship,
The main, all, prosperity,
Dying, in Pulindi, he became, 402 Do not be afraid, you are a hero, this, O beautiful one, the breath of the serpent king,
Dying, having attained that duality,
261 360
512 May I be released, from this world, as long as, illusion, do not go in vain,
Dying, he, the king of the gods, 264
261 I am another, here, I am also another, The seal, and the happy one, those two,
Dying, having become, in the Himalayas,
405 By illusion, the sin of the Asuras,
The muni, Dharmaruchi, by name, 529 The mridanga, etc., the elephant king, etc., 150 Maricha, in his mind, affectionate,
The muni, Sagaraseena, by name, 276
The mridanga, having fallen, on the ground, 535 The path of the virtuous, the living beings, The muni, having renounced, in due course, 177
Soft, cool, strong, 361 The muni, Gupta, by name, seeing, the eleventh day of the bright fortnight of Margashirsha,
488 235 The muni, the stars, the group, scattered,
Soft, the skin, smooth, 204 In Margashirsha, on the bright fortnight, 68, 216 The muni, spoke, O king, 116
Soft, the arms, the pair, holding, 203 In Magha, standing, always, of the Yadavas, 375 By the munis, many, it was said,
Sweet-eating, nourishing, 540 In Magha, in this, the burning,
The muni, by the use of the mat,
Meghanada, the sun, became, 211 The garland, or the essence-less one, that, 458 The muni, and his words, he understood,
Thus, and thus, in time,
411 The garland, the lineage, by name, 324 The muni, Suvrata, the Tirthesh,
Meghbhira, and his son,
278 The garland, he gave, with joy, 362
The muni, Suvrata, the Tirthesh, lineage,
332 The ram, the lightning, the special one, or,
E The garland-ending, the golden, the Siddha, 402 The muni, that day, by his brilliance, 553
Mepama, the son of the king,
42. The month, only, abandoning, of the munis, the difficult practices, and,
Friendship, with agreement, should be, 282 The months, fifteen, the extent of the muni, the Indra, etc., of us, 417
Meru, the great mountain, by name, 120 The months, sixteen, the months, from, the muni, with humility,
The ram, the female, etc., the female, by, 22 The months, made, the battle,
157 The muni, Sagaraseena, by name,