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Mahapuraana, Uttara Puraana
Just as the sun shines brightly from the shores of Udayagiri, so too did the Muni Jinasena emerge from the great Vira Sena. || 8 ||
Whose rays, like the rays of his nails, spread out, and the dust from his lotus feet, like saffron, dimmed the brilliance of the newly set jewels in the crown of Amoghavarsha, the king. He remembered, "I am purified today." That glorious Jinasena, the venerable, the Lord, is the auspiciousness of the world. || 9 ||
He was proficient in the composition of verses and prose, he was quick to refute opposing arguments, he had a deep understanding of the essence of the Agamas, he was skilled in telling stories of merit, he could unravel the intricacies of scriptures, and he was a poet of the highest order. Possessing these qualities, he remained steadfast, free from blemish, even in the Kali Yuga. || 10 ||
Just as the moon has its own light, the sun its brilliance, and the crystal its clarity, so too did Jinasena possess Saraswati by nature. || 11 ||
Just as the sun and moon are the Dharma of the entire world, so too was the highly intelligent Dasaratha, the Dharma-brother of Jinasena. || 12 ||
Just as the sun illuminates all things with its pure rays, so too did he illuminate the entire world with the rays of his words. || 12 ||
Just as even children can quickly recognize the image of the sun reflected in a mirror, so too was the harmony of all the scriptures evident in the brilliant words of Jinasena. || 16 ||
He had crossed the ocean of the Siddhanta Shastra, his intellect had grown in brilliance, and he had attained universal knowledge. || 13 ||
Just as the flow of the Ganga River emerges from the Himalayas, or the divine sound of all the scriptures emerges from the omniscient God, or the sun shines brightly from the shores of Udayagiri, so too did the Muni Jinasena emerge from the great Vira Sena. || 7-8 ||
The rays of Jinasena's nails shone brightly, spreading out like a stream of light. In the midst of these rays, his lotus feet appeared, and the dust from those lotus feet, like saffron, dimmed the brilliance of the newly set jewels in the crown of King Amoghavarsha. He remembered, "I am purified today." Acharya Gunabhadra says that the feet of the venerable Lord Jinasena are auspicious for the world. || 6 ||