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The Fifty-Seventh Canto
When the king came to the city for the svayamvara ceremony, many kings stumbled and failed in piercing the Candrakavyadhana. Seeing them, the Jivandharakumara arose. First, he paid obeisance to the Siddha Parameshthi, then showed respect to his preceptor Aryavarman, and then ascended the Candrakavyadhana like the rising sun ascending the peak of a mountain. At that time, he was shining brilliantly and pierced the Candrakavyadhana without any error, and roared a lion's roar that resounded in all directions.
The experts in archery then praised him, saying, "Well done!" And the maiden Ratnavati, pleased, garlanded him.
The noble men present there were delighted, thinking that the union of these two was as appropriate as the meeting of the swan and the autumn season. The wise and moderate men were indifferent, thinking that the victory of the virtuous is nothing surprising.
But the vile Kashthangarika and others, who had previously suffered defeat, were reminded of their past humiliation and were provoked by wicked anger. They prepared to forcibly abduct the maiden through a fierce battle.
Jivandharakumara, skilled in statecraft, understood their malice. He then promptly sent several emissaries, along with gifts, to the feudatories of King Satyandhra, conveying the following message:
"I am the son born to the victorious queen of King Satyandhra. Due to the fruition of my past deeds, I was born and then separated from my parents, and grew up in the house of the respectable merchant. This wicked Kashthangarika, who used to earn his livelihood by selling charcoal, was made a minister by your king. He is a person of the lowest nature, who has struck down his masters like a snake, and has now established himself on their kingdom. He is worthy of destruction not only by me but also by you, as he is an enemy. Even if he escapes to the nether regions, he will surely be killed by me. You are the feudatories, devotees, warriors, and beneficiaries of King Satyandhra. As grateful and righteous individuals, you should eliminate this ungrateful one."