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The 47th Chapter
The Sun was the support, the lotus-like brothers were the bloom, the Lord of the three worlds, the giver of the bliss of liberation, the protector of all beings, radiant like the Sun, the destroyer of the cycle of birth and death, the penetrator of the essence of karma, the bearer of the burden of the Dharma-tirtha, pure, the ocean of bliss, and the one Sun illuminating both the world and the beyond. || 262-267 || The Queen Priyakarini, by giving birth to that child, had generated immense love in humans, gods, and animals, thus her name Priyakarini was justified. || 268 || At that time, the lotus-like faces of all beings suddenly shone, and flowers rained down from the sky like tears of joy. || 269 || The group of drums made a sound, the group of women danced, the group of singers sang, and the group of prisoners recited auspicious verses. || 270 || All the gods descended from their abodes, leaving them desolate. Then, the Lord of the Saudharma Heaven, holding the illusory child in front of his mother, placed the child, radiant like the Sun, on the back of the elephant Airavata. The light of the child illuminated the ten directions, and surrounded by gods, Indra reached Mount Meru. There, he placed the Jina child on the lion throne on the Panduka rock and performed his ablution with shining pots filled with the water of the Ocean of Milk, and praised him as follows: "O Lord! Your soul is extremely pure, and your body is made of pure pudgala particles, so how can it be purified by impure and contemptible water? We have performed this ablution inspired by your Tirthankara name-karma, or it is an Amnaya, a special action that takes place at the birth of a Tirthankara, and therefore we have come to be your servants." || 271-275 || What more to say? Indra, with devotion, adorned him with the best ornaments and gave him the two names, "Vira" and "Srivardhamana." || 276 || Then, surrounded by all the gods, Indra brought the Jina child back and placed him in his mother's lap, performed the play of joy with great celebration, adorned his parents, celebrated the festival, and after doing all this, bowed to Srivardhamana Swami and went to his abode with the gods. || 277-278 ||
1 Samvaridhi: Lo. 2 Jagau cha Ma, Lo. 3 Vira: Srivardhamanarateshvitya-Lo. 4 Swadhama: Lo. 1