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The Seventy-Seventh Chapter
Kamsa, hearing this, was filled with anxiety. At that time, seven Vyantara Devas, who had attained Siddhi in their previous births, came and asked, "What task are we assigned?" ||414||
Kamsa said, "My enemy has been born. You must find him and kill that sinner." Saying this, he sent those seven Devas, and they, saying "So be it," departed. ||415||
Among those Devas, a Deva named Putana, knowing Krishna through her Vibhangavadhi knowledge, assumed the form of his mother and went to kill him. ||416||
Putana was extremely wicked and wanted to kill Krishna by feeding him milk from her breasts, which were filled with poison. While Putana was planning to kill Krishna, another Deva, who was always devoted to protecting the child Krishna, understood Putana's wickedness. When Putana was ready to feed Krishna milk, that other Deva caused intense pain in Putana's breasts. Unable to bear the pain, Putana cried out and fled. ||417-418||
After that, one day, a Deva, assuming the form of a chariot, ran towards the child Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna broke it with his two feet. ||419||
One day, Nanda Gop's wife tied the child Shri Krishna to a large mortar and went to fetch water. But Shri Krishna, dragging the mortar behind him, followed her. ||420||
At that time, two Devas, assuming the form of Arjuna trees, came to harm the child Shri Krishna. But he uprooted both trees from their roots. ||421||
One day, a Deva became a Tal tree. When the child Shri Krishna was walking, he reached beneath it. Another Deva, ready to drop fruits on his head, and another Deva, assuming the form of a donkey, was ready to bite him. Shri Krishna caught the donkey's foot and threw it against the Tal tree, destroying all three Devas. ||422-423||
Another day, a Deva, assuming the form of a horse, went to kill Krishna. But Krishna, in anger, broke its face. In this way, all seven Devas, unable to kill Krishna, went to Kamsa and said, "We are unable to kill your enemy." Saying this, they vanished like lightning. ||424-425||
Just as weapons, which show their power on others, become powerless against Indra's thunderbolt, so too, the powers of Devas, which show their power elsewhere, become powerless against a virtuous soul. ||426||
One day, a Deva named Arisht, assuming the form of a black bull, came to see Krishna's strength. But Krishna, ready to break his neck,