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Trishatititama Parva
The trees of the Chocha clan were as tall and generous as the best kings, with roots as firm as those of a king, and as beautiful as the most handsome of men. They were adorned with fine leaves, just as a king is adorned with fine horses. || 344 ||
The banana trees were as pleasing as women, for they were as beautiful to look at, as delicate, as shady, as juicy, and as beautiful as women. || 345 ||
The mango trees were laden with fruit, their new shoots and flowers bright, filled with the songs of cuckoos and buzzing with swarms of bees. || 346 ||
The jackfruit trees were abundant, with large, ripe fruits, their fragrance attracting swarms of bees, and bearing fruit from their very roots. || 347 ||
All the bushes, vines, and trees were bent under the weight of their flowers, as if they were the pleasure gardens of the king of love, Kamadeva. || 348 ||
The land was free of pits, holes, stones, and unevenness. It was free of the eight fears, and always bore fruit. || 349 ||
Just as those who follow the path of virtue without fail never need to perform penance, so too the people of this land, by upholding their own dharma, never feared punishment. || 350 ||
The lakes were always filled with fish and clean water, adorned with various flowers, and rivaled the beauty of the heavens. || 351 ||
The trees were like kings in their conduct, for they had eyes like lotus flowers, were tall and generous, had branches like long arms, and always bore beautiful fruit. || 352 ||
The various vines were as beautiful as women, for they had red lips, were adorned with flowers, and had delicate bodies and swarms of bees. || 353 ||