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The Great Purana, Uttara Purana
They worshipped the unartificial Jain temples with joy, praised them with meaningful hymns, and then returned to their city with great festivities. || 208-220 || Arriving there, those Vyantara Devas worshipped the king by offering divine ornaments and speaking peaceful words, and then they went to their abode. || 221 || The man who does not cross the ocean of favor by means of reciprocal action, that is, who does not reciprocate the favor of a benefactor, is like a scentless flower, dead even while living. || 222 || If these two cocks are thus appreciative of favors, then why does a man age in his body if he has not done a favor? If he has not done a favor, he is a wicked person. || 223 ||
One day, inspired by the opportunity of time, the wise king Dhanarath began to think in his mind about the body and so on. || 224 || This creature is to be cursed! It is a great misfortune that this creature considers the body to be desirable and dwells in it, yet it does not consider this body more repulsive than a house of excrement. || 225 || Those things that produce contentment are called happiness. But where are such happinesses found for beings in this world? One should consider this to be a manifestation of delusion, in which this creature begins to consider the pains caused by sin to be happiness. || 226 ||
If it is certain that the creature will live from birth to the last moment, then that is fine. But even if it lives for a moment, when there is no certainty of that, why is this creature not eager to do what is beneficial for itself? || 227 || These brothers and relatives are a kind of bondage, and wealth is also a calamity for beings. If it were not so, why would the virtuous men of old go into the forest? || 228 ||
While Dhanarath was thinking thus, the Laukantika Devas, knowing his state of knowledge, arrived to support his desired object. || 229 || They said, "O Deva! Who can give you advice on what is beneficial? You yourself know what is to be avoided and what is to be adopted." Thus, the Laukantika Devas praised the praiseworthy Lord Dhanarath, worshipped him with celestial flowers, followed their own duty, and then went up into the sky to go to their respective places. || 230-232 ||
Then, Lord Dhanarath gave the kingdom to Megha-rath, preceded by an anointment ceremony. The Devas anointed him, and thus he himself took on restraint.