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Sixty-first Chapter
He practiced the virtues mentioned in the scriptures, such as practicing Trikala Yoga, sitting in Viraasana and other postures, and sleeping on one side. ||121|| He was tolerant like the earth, he removed the suffering of those who sought refuge in him like water, he was unshakable like a mountain, he was detached like an atom, he was pure like the sky, he was deep like the ocean, he delighted everyone like the moon, he was radiant like the sun, he was pure inside and out like refined gold, he was impartial like a mirror, he was withdrawn like a tortoise, he did not make a permanent abode anywhere like a snake, he moved silently like an elephant, he looked ahead like a jackal, he was a valiant warrior like a lion, and he was always alert like a deer. He had conquered all obstacles, endured all hardships, and attained many powers like reaction, etc. ||122-126|| He ascended the ladder of क्षपक and, through the two शुक्लध्यान, destroyed the karmas of violence and attained Kevala Jnana. ||127|| After that, he wandered through many countries, preached the right Dharma to many noble beings, and showed the right path to liberation, which is difficult to attain, to those who were on the wrong path. ||128|| When his lifespan was reduced to a moment, he stopped the three Yogas and attained the imperishable state of liberation, which is obtained by the destruction of all karmas. ||129|| May Lord Sanatkumara, who conquered Indra, who is like a Jina, with his body, who attacked the group of directions with his valor, and who destroyed the group of sins with the Dharmachakra, grant you prosperity soon. ||130|| Thus ends the sixty-first chapter of the Trishatika Lakshana Mahapurana, composed by Bhagavadguna Bhadracharya, which narrates the Puranas of Tirthankara, Sudarsana, Balabhadra, Purushasimha Narayana, Madhukrida Pratinarayana, Maghava, and Sanatkumara Chakravarti.