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## Chapter 18
The great Indra, having descended from the heavenly realm, was about to arrive in this human realm. At that time, in the city of Kampilya, in the land of Bharata, King Kritavarman, a descendant of Purudeva, ruled. His renowned queen was Jayashyama, worthy of worship by Indra and other gods, adorned with riches like the earth itself.
On the tenth day of the dark fortnight of the month of Jyeshtha, in the constellation Uttarabhadrapada, she saw sixteen auspicious dreams. At that very moment, she saw an elephant entering her mouth-lotus, and she inquired about the meaning of these dreams from the king.
Then, the gods, having perceived the auspiciousness of the event through the trembling of their seats, descended from heaven and performed the first auspicious ceremony for the womb.
Just as the heart of a poor man rejoices with the increase of wealth, so too did the hearts of the relatives rejoice with the growing fetus of Queen Jayashyama.
In this world, even the birth of an ordinary son brings joy. What then to say of the birth of a son whose arrival had already humbled even Indra and the other gods?
On the fourth day of the bright fortnight of Magha (according to the Kha and Ga manuscripts, on the fourteenth day), in the Ahirdhvaja yoga, Queen Jayashyama gave birth to the Lord, the possessor of three knowledges, the master of the three worlds, and the bearer of pure radiance.
After his birth and coronation, all the gods named him Vimala-vahana and praised him.
After the pilgrimage of Vasupujya, when thirty oceans of years had passed and the Dharma had been destroyed in the last part of the Palyopam, the Lord Vimala-vahana was born. His lifespan was included within this period.
His lifespan was sixty lakh years, his body sixty bows tall, his complexion like gold, and he was adorned as if he were the very embodiment of all virtues.
The soul of the Lord Vimala-vahana, who purified all beings and was supremely virtuous, was purified by his coronation after fifteen lakh years of his childhood.
Lakshmi was his companion, fame had accompanied him from past lives, Saraswati was born with him, and Vira-Lakshmi herself had embraced him.
The virtues of truth and others were flourishing in him, and even the great sages sought his presence. What further description of them is possible?