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## 80
## Mahapurana
With a pure heart, he revealed himself, like a pearl revealing its inner beauty. He expressed his inner love, like coral buds blooming. He surrendered everything, like a minister offering his wealth. He guarded his secret treasures, like a minister keeping his wealth safe. He was generous and kind, like a minister serving his king.
## 168
Just as Indra, the king of the gods, served the first Tirthankara, Rishabhadeva, with devotion, so too did the ocean serve Bharata, the king of the earth.
Just as Indra would sound the victory drums in the assembly hall, so too did the ocean roar with its waves, like victory drums, near Bharata's assembly hall.
Just as Indra would chant "Victory, Victory" in the morning, so too did the ocean roar with its deep voice, like a clear chant of "Victory, Victory," in the morning, for Bharata's auspicious occasion.
Just as Indra, though possessing knowledge, would meditate on the Supreme Being, who is beyond knowledge, so too did the ocean, though filled with water, remain free from the desire for more water.
Thus, the ocean served Bharateshwara for a long time.
## 169
This concludes the twenty-ninth chapter of the Trishatilak Mahapurana, composed by Bhagavan Jinaseanacharya, which describes the victory of the southern ocean gate.
## 1. Providing
## 2. Inner water
## 3. Assembly hall
## 4. Similar sound
## 5. Intelligent
## 6. Servant's duty