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The elephants of the army were tied to the high branches of the forest trees, their shoulders reaching high. This is indeed the right thing to do, for a very large and strong support is needed to hold up great men. ||150|| Thus, the elephants, tied to the trees by the mahouts, stood with their eyes half closed. They were swaying their bodies, taking food playfully, and flapping their ears. ||151|| Having unloaded all their baggage, they moved quickly, showing their swiftness. The young ones followed behind them, and the female elephants were going to drink water from the ponds all around. ||152|| The young elephant did not want to drink the water of the ponds that had been drunk by the herd of camels, which was contaminated by their vomit and had the smell of their bodies. This is right, because everyone desires what is pleasing to their mind. ||153|| The female elephants and their young ones quickly went to the pond and drank the water that had been drunk by the herd of elephants before, which had the smell of their musk. This is right, because similarity is the cause of eating, drinking, and other pleasures. ||154||
The female elephants, having quenched their inner thirst by drinking water and their outer heat by entering the pond, went to the forest trees with the male elephants and their young ones to enjoy themselves. ||155||
It is clear from the fact that the elephants who were not harmful were not tied, that those who are free from sins like violence have strong karmic bonds, and those who are free from sins like violence do not have karmic bonds. ||149||