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The Thirty-ninth Chapter
Then the Chakravartin Jain, having performed the auspicious rites, set out to conquer the southern region. [1]
As he marched, the sound of his drums, mingled with the blare of trumpets, drowned out even the roar of the ocean. [2]
The sound of the departure drums, mingled with the trumpeting of elephants, filled all directions and shook the hearts of his enemies. [3]
The victory banners, borne aloft by the wind, fluttered like waves in the ocean, beckoning the eager warriors. [4]
On one side was the salt sea, on the other the inland sea, and between them marched the mighty army, like a third ocean. [5]
His army, composed of elephants, horses, chariots, foot soldiers, gods, and celestial beings, spread out across the sky and the earth, a force of six divisions. [6]
The Danda-ratna marched in front, followed by the Chakra-ratna, and behind them, on the path cleared by these two, the Chakravartin's army marched in comfort. [7]
His Chakra was like a thunderbolt, capable of destroying entire armies, and his Danda was like a second Yama-danda, a punishment for those who deserved it. [8]
The Emperor Bharat marched along the shore, near the altar, his army filling the directions with its presence. [9]
He led his invincible army along the coast, planting his command like a vine on the peaks of the mountains of kings. [10]
His enemies were like his generals, for just as his generals moved at his command, so too did his enemies move at his will. [11]