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The water is its wealth, the rivers that carry the rasa (essence) are its wives, the aquatic creatures are its sons, and the sand is its jewels. Thus, this great ocean, though possessing only a little vibhuti (splendor), bears a great reputation, which is indeed a wonder. || 174 ||
Those who are stained with the smoke of their breaths, whose hoods are adorned with clearly visible jewels, who move around in circles, whose bodies are long, and who suddenly become angry, these serpents adorn this ocean with the splendor of the Alaatchakra. || 175 ||
This ocean, whose water is touched by the cool feet of the moon, as if in anger, leaps towards the sky, uttering deep sounds, and using the waves as a ruse to avenge itself. For, great men cannot tolerate insults. || 176 ||
In this ocean, there are many beautiful forests where the celestial beings play with their consorts, who are full of rasa (essence). There are also thousands of islands, which are like fortresses, like the Antardeep (inner land). || 177 ||
Many waves, all pushing each other from all sides, reside together in this ocean. || 173 ||