Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Sloka Index and Translation
**Janani Vasupalasya Jantu Sambhava Sankayaam** - The mother of Vasupala, fearing the birth of a creature...
**Janto Geshu Bhogante** - The creature, in the end of enjoyment...
**Janma Roga Jara Mrityoon** - Birth, disease, old age, death...
**Janma Samskaara Mantro'yam** - This is the mantra of birth ceremony...
**Janmaanantara Maayaatah** - Having come after birth...
**Janma Avbuddhaya Vanditvaa** - Having bowed down to the knowledge of birth...
**Jambu Dweepe Videhe'smin** - In this Jambudweepa, in this Videha...
**Jayam Shatru Duralokam** - Victory, the enemy is difficult to see...
**Jayah Parasya No Me'ady** - Victory is not mine today, it is of the other...
**Jayah Prasaadam Adhyaasya** - Victory, having taken refuge in grace...
**Jay Ev Madadeshad** - Victory, by my command...
**Jayakari Ghatabandhaya Jayakunjar Maaroodhah** - Mounted on the victorious elephant, bound by the victorious pot...
**Jayataach Chakravarti iti** - May the emperor be victorious...
**Jayati Jananataapa Jayati** - Victory over the heat of birth, victory...
**Jayavilaasah** - The play of victory...
**Jayati Jinavaraanaam** - Victory to the Jina-warriors...
**Jayati Samarabherii** - Victory to the war-drum...
**Jayati Tarur Ashokah** - Victory to the tree, free from sorrow...
**Jayati Divijanathaih** - Victory to the lords of the gods...
**Jayati Bharataraj** - Victory to the king of Bharata...
**Jayati Bhujagavaktrodvaanta** - Victory to the one with the raised serpent-mouth...
**Jayati Bhujabali Shoh** - Victory to the strong-armed one...
**Jayati Madanabaanah** - Victory to the arrow of Kamadeva...
**Jayati Jinamano Bhaah** - Victory to the mind of the Jina...
**Jayadvirada Maaroodho** - Mounted on the victorious horse...
**Jayadhaama** - The abode of victory...
**Jayabhaama** - The victorious Bhaama...
**Jay Nijitamohaare** - Victory to the one who has conquered delusion...
**Jay Nirmada Nirmaya** - Victory to the one who is free from pride and arrogance...
**Jay Nisteerna Samsara** - Victory to the one who has crossed the ocean of samsara...
**Jayanistrishani Strish** - Victory to the one who has conquered the three poisons...
**Jayanti Jitamatyaavoh** - Victory to those who have conquered the excessive...
**Jayanti Vidhutaasesha** - Victory to those who have conquered all...
**Jayantyakhila Vaang Maarg** - Victory to the path of all speech...
**Jayapunyodayaat Sadyoh** - Victory, the rise of merit, immediately...
**Jayaprayaana Shamsinyah** - Victory, the one who is about to embark on the journey...
**Jay Prabuddha Sanmaarga** - Victory, the one who is awakened to the right path...
**Jayprahita Shastrali** - Victory, the one who has wielded the weapon...