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## Forty-Seventh Chapter
Then, seeing his own face in a bright mirror, he saw white hair, like a messenger arriving from the abode of supreme bliss, the presence of the Lord Vrishabhadeva. || 362 || Seeing this, his mind, free from all delusion, arose with the knowledge of the Self, like a withered blade of grass. Desiring to give his son, Arka Kirti, the benefit of the Self, he united him with his own Lakshmi, that is, he bestowed all his wealth upon him. || 363 || Knowing all the truths, and desiring to tread the path of liberation, which is inaccessible to the lowly, the Chakravarti Bharat, like a nourishing meal, embraced the restraint that is complete with Yama and Samitis, for what else do those who know the true nature of things desire, except restraint? || 364 || At that very moment, he attained the knowledge of the mind's transformations, and immediately thereafter, the knowledge of the Self. Such was his magnificence, for the attainment of liberation for beings is indeed a wondrous thing. || 365 || He, who was previously worshipped only by the kings born in his own land, is now also worshipped by the Indras. Not only that, he became the lord of the three worlds. Indeed, what is impossible for one who is capable of undertaking difficult austerities? || 366 ||