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Forty-eighth Chapter
Seeing you, she became very attached to you. Therefore, you should not abandon her. After hearing all this, the Kumar thought carefully and gave a suitable answer. He said, "At the time of my Upanayana ceremony, I had taken a vow given by my Gurus, and that is, I will not accept any other girl except the one given by my parents and Gurus." When the Kumar gave this answer, all those girls were ready to make him attached to them by various kinds of romantic gestures, but when they could not make him attached, then Vidyudvega left Sri Pal on the roof of the house and closed the door from outside and went to call his parents. Meanwhile, Kumar Sri Pal also fell asleep wearing a red blanket. At that time, a Merunda bird saw him. Thinking him to be a piece of meat, it picked him up and took him to the top of the Siddhakut Chaitya and got ready to eat him. But seeing the Kumar moving, it left him. It is good because it is the natural quality of those birds. ||34-45||
After that, Sri Pal descended from the top of the Siddhakut and bathed in the lake. He took fragrant flowers and circumambulated the Jinalaya with devotion and started praising. At that time, the door of the Chaitya opened on its own. Seeing this, he was very happy and worshipped and bowed to Jinendradev according to the rituals and sat there comfortably. At that time, a Vidyadhar came in front of him and picked up the Kumar and took him on the path of the sky. While walking, they reached the city of Shivankarpur in a beautiful country. The name of the king there was Anilvega, and the name of his wife was Kantvati. They had a daughter named Bhogavati. She was sleeping on a soft bed in a palace made of crystal in the sky. Seeing her, the Vidyadhar asked Sri Pal Kumar, "Who is this girl?" The Kumar replied, "She is the daughter of Anilvega, the king of Shivankarpur, and her name is Bhogavati."
4 Given by Anilvega.
5 Covered.
1 Sanvich-lo, po, a.
2 Accepted.
3 Given with the consent of the girl's parents.
5 They were not able.
6 Ratnavartagiri.
7 His own parents.
9 A type of bird.
10 Piece of meat.
11 Merunda.
12 Released.
13 Abandonment of the living.
14 Of birds.
15 From the top of the Siddhakut.
16 Opened.
17 Door.
18 Vidyadhar.
19 Sri Pal.
20 From Sri Pal's words.
21 The Vidyadhar speaks to Anilvega, standing near Bhogavati's father. Why? Because this wicked Sri Pal called our daughter Bhogavati a poisonous snake.