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The forty-seventh chapter, the remedy, is to be explained with due respect. Thus, a certain woman informed the promising Chakravarti. ||13|| In the fragrant land, the king of the city of Shripura is called Shrosharahva. His queen is called Shrimati, and their daughter is called Jayavati. ||14|| At her birth, the knowers of auspicious signs declared that she would be the queen of the Chakravarti. And this is the sign of the Chakravarti: he who knows the difference between a male and female actor. ||15|| They came to test him, knowing that he is the Chakravarti. By good fortune, you are like a treasure to us. ||16|| My name is Priyarati, and this is my daughter, Madanavega, who dances in the form of a man. This is the actor Vasava, known for wearing the attire of a woman. ||17|| Hearing this, the king was pleased and satisfied the woman as was appropriate. Then, he went to the mountain of Suragiri to pay homage to his father. On the way, a man brought a horse, and Sri Pal, with a focused mind, mounted it and rode. ||18-19|| The horse ran for a while on the earth, but then, assuming the form of a celestial being, it took him up into the sky. ||20|| The god who lived near the image under the banyan tree called out to the celestial being. Frightened by the god's call, the celestial being, Ashanivega, released the prince with his own special "leaf-light" power on the peak of the mountain called Ratnavarta. ||21-22|| The god saw that the prince would benefit greatly by staying on that mountain, so he left without taking the prince with him. The prince, too, bathed in a certain lake, relieving the fatigue of his journey, and was sitting there when six princesses came out of a white palace. Recognizing him as the prince, they greeted him appropriately and told him their story. They revealed their lineage, family, and names, and said, "The celestial being, Ashanivega, forcibly brought us here and left us." Hearing this, the prince, compassionate towards the princesses, ... ||23-26||