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The Mahapurana states that Amitanant and Anantmati, upon witnessing the trial, embraced the highest form of *sannyama* (self-control). They were filled with shame when their uncle, Kubera Mitra, refused to offer them food from the filled vessels. This shame led them to renounce the world. ||45-46||
After a considerable time, the king, who was dedicated to the welfare of his people, relinquished all his wealth to his son, Lokapala, and embraced *sannyama* under the guidance of the sage, Shilgupta, in the Shivangara forest. Similarly, the queens, including Kanakmala, also undertook rigorous austerities. This is natural, for when the king leads the way, even those with limited strength follow the difficult path. ||47-49||
Lokapala, now the king, having attained the glory of kingship, renowned throughout the land, ruled the earth in accordance with the counsel of Kubera Mitra. ||50||
The king had a minister named Falgumati, who was ignorant, a liar, of the same age as the king, foolish, and naturally fickle and wicked. ||51||
Falgumati was afraid to speak directly to Kubera Datt Seth in the presence of the king, so he sought to remove the Seth from the king's presence. He bribed and influenced the head guard of the king's sleeping quarters, instructing him to approach the king at night, disguised as a deity, and say, "O King, Kubera Mitra is like a father to you, and his humility prevents him from staying close to you. Therefore, do not keep him constantly by your side; call him only when needed." Falgumati thus instructed the head guard, who carried out his orders. This is natural, for there is nothing in the world that those who seek wealth will not do. ||52-55||
Hearing the head guard's words, the king, filled with fear, without thinking, called his uncle (Kubera Mitra) and said, "Do not come without being called." ||56||
The consequences of words spoken without thought are poisonous. Following the head guard's advice, the Seth immediately left for his own home. ||57||