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## Mahapuranam
Those who make new the ancient paths hidden by the realm of enjoyment, are indeed worthy of worship by the virtuous. ||55||
My renowned emperorhood was not attained through a wheel-jewel, nor through other jewels, nor through treasures, nor through a six-limbed army, nor through sons, nor through myself, but only through one Jayakumar, for in all deeds of valor, my victory was achieved through him. ||56-57||
By conquering the Mlechcha kings, he established my glorious name on the Nabhi mountain. What has anyone else done in this regard? ||58||
This Arkakirti has spread my ignominy, worthy of being counted among the ignominious, throughout the world as long as the moon exists, like ink and black gram. ||59||
He has not only followed the path of injustice, but has also made himself the chief among those who deserve punishment in the world. ||60||
Just as kohl is produced from a lamp, so this ignominy has arisen from me. This is not Arkakirti, but a manifest ignominy. ||61||
Jayakumar, by my command, punishes those who are inclined towards injustice. Therefore, the punishment he inflicted in battle was well-deserved. ||62||
What more can be said? Even if the eldest son is a criminal, the king should punish him. I am ready today to follow this path of righteousness on Arkakirti. ||63||
You have given the daughter named Akshimala to that arrogant one without considering it. This is a bad deed. ||64||
Or perhaps, by giving the renowned Akshimala as a gift, you have also bestowed honor upon Arkakirti. This is right, because even with this blemish, is the moon's image abandoned? ||65||
But the Chakravarti, even though his son committed a crime, ignored him and did not punish him. This ignominy of mine has been made permanent by Maharaja Akampan. ||66||
Thus, the Lord of the Universe, pleased with this, with a cheerful face and a pleasant demeanor, abandoning his eldest son, has made this son righteous. ||67||