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The king saw many tents outside the camp, where things like horse-trappings were hung on the tips of branches. || 134 || Seeing these special things, like the tents outside, the king went to the great gate of the camp. || 135 || Passing through the gate, he went a little distance with his army and reached the market, which resounded like the great ocean. || 136 || The market was beautifully decorated with arches and colorful flags. The merchants were standing there, holding precious jewels. || 137 || Seeing the piles of jewels in every shop, the king thought that the number of treasures was only known by fame. || 138 || The market, filled with pearls and shining jewels, was crowded with people. Chariots crossed it like ships on a sea. || 139 || The royal road, with its waves of moving horses, shining swords like fish, and large elephants like crocodiles, resembled the beauty of the ocean. || 140 || The market road was surrounded by princes on all sides, making it truly a royal path. || 141 || Then, there were arches shining with jewels, and the outer beauty of the camp was enhanced by the surrounding chariots. || 142 || The camp was filled with horses, making it difficult to enter, and it was adorned with a large army of elephants, young elephants, and female elephants. Sometimes, the camp was shaded by a canopy of umbrellas, and sometimes it was arranged in a circle by the chiefs. || 144 ||