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## Forty-fourth Chapter
Those archers, with quivers strapped to both sides, were leaping and bounding, having conquered fatigue, and were adorned like birds in the sky. || 116 ||
The arrows were like good ministers, for just as good ministers are straightforward, so too were the arrows straight. Just as good ministers are farsighted, so too were the arrows farsighted, reaching their targets from afar. Just as good ministers are quick to accomplish tasks, so too were the arrows quick, swiftly killing the enemy. And just as good ministers follow the path of scripture, so too did the arrows follow the path of archery scripture. || 120 ||
Those arrows, drinkers of flesh and blood, feathered, far-reaching, and sharp-mouthed, flew like birds, falling upon their targets. || 121 ||
Just as purity, attained through righteous Dharma, residing in the heart, leads men to liberation, so too did the arrows, propelled by righteous Dharma (the bow), piercing the hearts of valiant men, lead them to the afterlife. || 122 ||
Just as a courtesan, possessing the *raktasambandhi* (blood-connection) and captivating men, blinds them with her mere touch, so too did the arrows, possessing the *raktasambandhi* (blood-connection) and piercing the heart, swiftly blind men with their touch, killing them. || 123 ||
Just as a heavy downpour and a gathering of darkness overwhelm the sky, so too did the arrows, like a swarm of vultures, overwhelm the enemy, who was subdued like a captive. || 124 ||