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The city was adorned with a rope of pearls, its wide waist was adorned with a belt of pearls, and its feet were adorned with anklets of pearls. ||251|| The city, which had conquered the beauty of the city of the immortals, was adorned with an inconceivable splendor, its body being made of ornaments. ||252|| The festival of Rajagriha was being celebrated by the city itself, for if the edge of the ocean is vast, what can be said of its middle? ||253|| It is not surprising that the minds of the sentient beings there were filled with joy, both within and without, for even the inanimate objects, such as the walls, were adorned with ornaments, as if they were celebrating the festival themselves. ||254|| There was no object of enjoyment without an enjoyer, and no enjoyer without an object of enjoyment. Kamadeva was always present there, and Lakshmi was the embodiment of prosperity. ||255|| Seeing the greatness of punya in this very life, many virtuous people, having seen the festival, looked upon the inhabitants of the city with great respect. ||256|| The sages were also pleased, considering it to be the fruit of dharma, for it is the nature of the virtuous to be pleased by seeing the fruit of dharma, and the nature of the wicked to be pleased by seeing the fruit of adharma. ||257|| At that time, the auspicious women who knew the rites of marriage, who had performed the necessary rituals, who were somewhat afraid due to shyness, who were accompanied by many learned astrologers, and who seemed like another Lakshmi, brought that girl from her house, who was adorned with all kinds of auspicious things, adorned with pearl ornaments, supported by four golden pillars, and shining with the brilliance of many jewels. ||258-260||