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## Thirty-fourth Chapter
Or, this may be considered tasteless, but this is not certain. For, no one has ever seen Dharma tasteless anywhere. || 16 ||
If my words are sweet, then one should understand that this is the greatness of the Gurus, for the sweet fruits are the effect of the trees. || 17 ||
Words come out from the heart, and my heart is filled with Gurus, so they will surely refine my words, meaning they will improve them. Therefore, I will not have to put any effort into making this text. || 18 ||
Those who are worthy of listening to this text are the Bhavyas, and this is what the Jinesvara has said, and these are the words of the speaker, so there is no fault (criticism) in this. || 19 ||
The virtuous people accept even faults as virtues, and the faulty people accept even virtues as faults. This is the strange greatness of right knowledge and wrong knowledge in this world. || 20 ||
It is right for a virtuous person to become virtuous by accepting the virtues of virtuous people, but it is amazing that a wicked person becomes wicked by accepting non-existent faults. || 21 ||
In this world, a wicked person is worthy of anger from the virtuous, because they are the enemies of the wicked, and they are the refuge of the orphaned virtues. || 22 ||
Just as the great poets are worthy of praising those who follow their path, similarly, even poets are worthy of criticizing those who do not follow their path. || 23 ||
Only a poet can understand the effort of a poet in composing poetry, just as a barren woman cannot understand the pain of giving birth to a child, similarly, a non-poet cannot understand the effort of a poet. || 24 ||
O wicked one, if there are any faults in this text of mine, then you take them, because they are your wealth, and you are not prohibited from them. But,