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This buffalo, whose horns are like the fangs of death and who is very fearsome, is exiting the Guggulu forest. || 68 ||
These lions, whose tails are swaying, tongues are flickering, and eyes are very red, are increasing the turmoil of the army, even though they themselves are not troubled. || 69 ||
This eight-legged creature, even though it falls on its back after leaping into the sky, does not feel pain with its back-facing legs. || 70 ||
This deer, who is like a personified ego, is difficult to subdue and is running around quickly, leaping here and there because he is surrounded by the army, and is increasing the turmoil of the army. || 71 ||
O God, this rabbit is running, even though the soldiers have not pursued it, but because it is cowardly, it runs here and there and hides somewhere in the middle of your army to seek refuge. || 72 ||
This blackbuck, whose body has darkened from its own radiance, is slowly going, like a dry tree, with the weight of its many branched horns. || 73 ||
Look, this group of deer, who is running around in all directions because of a wound on its right side, is as if telling you that you are fit to protect all beings. || 74 ||
This peacock, who is increasing the beauty of the hair of the forest goddess with its tail, is slowly going with the weight of its tail. || 75 ||
This group of peacocks is shining in this forest, as if it is increasing the beauty of the group of eyes of the earth, which is like a woman, with the moons on its tail. || 76 ||
Look, this group of deer, hearing the sound of the chariot wheels, does not approach the path, as if it is afraid. || 77 ||