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Forty-fourth Chapter
326. He was the supreme authority in the *tantra*, *mantra*, *shakun* and *jyotish* sciences, and was highly respected by all. ||148||
The birth of King Bharat was the cause of the manifestation of all the auspicious signs of a great man. His body was an example for others to follow. ||149||
Even those who were well-versed in other arts and sciences, considered Bharat as their ideal and were free from doubts. ||150||
His innate wisdom was a result of his previous births, and he achieved the highest level of knowledge in all the sciences. ||151||
He was respected by all scholars in all the sciences and arts, and was considered to be the authority in all of them. ||152||
What is the use of saying more? It is enough to say that Bharat, who was a master of wisdom, was the guiding force behind the conduct of the entire world. ||153||
He was a master of the principles of statecraft, a scholar of the principles of Dharma, and was renowned for his knowledge of the arts. He was the most brilliant among the wise. ||154||
Oh, how wonderful was his first reign! He was an emperor, a leader of the *Rajarshis*, and his sovereignty was truly remarkable. His fame spread far and wide. ||155||
Thus, Bharat, the *chakravarti*, was the embodiment of all the arts and sciences. He was a friend to the wise and sought to unite them. He taught all the sciences in the assembly of the wise, and his fame, like a banner, flew high. ||156||
It should be understood that the three scriptures are based on his teachings. ||147||
He was the cause of the *nimitta* sciences, and was the supreme authority in the *tantra*, *mantra*, *shakun* and *jyotish* sciences, and was highly respected by all. ||148||
The birth of King Bharat was the cause of the manifestation of all the auspicious signs of a great man. His body was an example for others to follow. ||149||
Even those who were well-versed in other arts and sciences, considered Bharat as their ideal and were free from doubts. ||150||
His innate wisdom was a result of his previous births, and he achieved the highest level of knowledge in all the sciences. ||151||
He was respected by all scholars in all the sciences and arts, and was considered to be the authority in all of them. ||152||
What is the use of saying more? It is enough to say that Bharat, who was a master of wisdom, was the guiding force behind the conduct of the entire world. ||153||
He was a master of the principles of statecraft, a scholar of the principles of Dharma, and was renowned for his knowledge of the arts. He was the most brilliant among the wise. ||154||
Oh, how wonderful was his first reign! He was an emperor, a leader of the *Rajarshis*, and his sovereignty was truly remarkable. His fame spread far and wide. ||155||
Thus, Bharat, the *chakravarti*, was the embodiment of all the arts and sciences. He was a friend to the wise and sought to unite them. He taught all the sciences in the assembly of the wise, and his fame, like a banner, flew high. ||156||