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He practiced the six virtues to eliminate ignorance. Since he was the protector of the world without any opposition, what was the need for him to discuss treaties, etc.? ||13||
"There were four royal sciences in the past. The wise king Bharat explained them to his sons for their fame." ||13||
Sometimes he would inspect the treasures and jewels. Some of them were in his treasury and some were in his army. ||140||
Sometimes he would refute all the controversies in the Dharma Shastra, revealing the opinion of the omniscient God. ||141||
If anyone had doubts about the principles spoken by the Arhant Devas, he would remove their doubts and make them understand the truth of the principles. ||142||
Similarly, he displayed his complete mastery in the meaning of Artha Shastra and in Kama Shastra, so that there was no one else in the world who was as clever as him. ||143||
Seeing the independence of King Bharat in the science of elephants and horses, the scholars of those sciences believed that he was the creator of the original science. ||144||
Regarding Ayurveda, everyone praised the lord of treasures, Bharat, without any doubt, saying that he is the embodiment of long life, or rather, that Ayurveda has taken the form of Bharat. ||145||
Similarly, good people believed that he was skilled in grammar, proficient in rhetoric, and a reflection of the science of prosody. ||146||
The science of omens was first created by him, the science of omens was spoken by him, and the knowledge of astrology was his creation.