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## Forty-First Chapter
**313** The best of the twice-born should protect their right to creation, keeping far away from the creation made by the false-sighted. ||187||
**188** Otherwise, the false-sighted, with their corrupt theory of creation, will mislead the people and the kings, leading them astray. ||188||
**189** Therefore, the twice-born, who know the truth and the right path, should discard the other creations of the false-sighted and uphold the Dharma-creation established by the Anadi Kshatriyas. ||189||
**190** This Dharma-creation, established by the Tirthankaras, is eternal and perfect. Those who take refuge in it should explain the reasons for this creation. ||190||
**191** If the twice-born do not explain this to the kings, they will accept the creation made by others, and their sovereignty will be lost. The followers of the Arhant will also start following that other Dharma. ||191||
**192** The independence that the twice-born, who take refuge in the Paramāgama, have in matters of atonement and other rituals is called Vyavahāreśitā. ||192||
**193** Without Vyavahāreśitā, the twice-born cannot purify themselves or others. If they are impure and try to purify themselves through others, they will never become pure. ||193||
**194** The best of the twice-born, with a steady mind, remain in the right of being inviolable. A Brahmin, due to his superior qualities, is not worthy of being killed by anyone else. ||194||
**195** No living being should be killed, especially not a Brahmin. Thus, due to the difference in the superiority and inferiority of qualities, there are two types of violence. ||195||
**196** Therefore, these righteous people should strengthen their inviolability. In truth, it is the greatness of Dharma that whoever remains in this Dharma is not overcome by anyone. ||196||
**197** If they do not strengthen their inviolability, they will become vulnerable to everyone, and everyone will start killing them. If this happens, the authority of the Arhantdeva's Dharma will be greatly diminished. ||197||
**186** Strengthen the qualifications that are given to you, that is, become a virtuous person, because without qualifications, there is no recognition, and without recognition, even kings will take away your wealth. ||186||
1. *Asamīkṣitena kudṛṣṭāntena* - with a corrupt and unscrutinized example.
2. *Tāṁ dharma-sṛṣṭi prakāśayedityarthaḥ* - meaning, to explain that Dharma-creation.
3. *Ātmānam āśritā* - or, to explain to those who have taken refuge in it.
4. *Nakṛto* - not done.
5. *Nṛpādeḥ śakāśāt* - from the king.
6. *Dvirūpatā* (duṣṭanigraha-śiṣṭa-pratipālanatā) - duality (the suppression of the wicked and the protection of the righteous).