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## English Translation:
There, after the Atibalavidya and Kulaavadhi, the qualities of Varnottamatva, Paatratva, and Srishti Adhikari are described.
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The qualities of Vyavahaareshita, Avadhyatva, Adandayata, Maanaarhata, and Praja Sambandhanta are also described in order.
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These ten qualities are described in detail in the Upasakasangraha. Here, I will briefly explain them in order.
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The education and training of a Dwij from childhood is called Atibalavidya. This is a highly desirable practice for Dwijas.
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Without this Atibalavidya, a Dwij remains ignorant, unable to distinguish between what is worthy and unworthy. He is deceived by those who falsely claim to be Dwijas and falls into the study of false scriptures.
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Therefore, it is appropriate for Dwijas to study the scriptures of Shravakaachara from childhood. Those who receive good conduct through these scriptures become capable of saving themselves and others.
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Protecting the customs of one's lineage is called Kulaavadhi for Dwijas. If one fails to protect these customs, all their actions are destroyed, and they are forced to join another lineage.
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Being superior to all other castes is the Varnottamatva of a Dwij. This quality earns them praise and makes them capable of uplifting themselves and others.
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If a Dwij lacks Varnottamatva, they lack excellence. One who is not excellent cannot purify themselves or others.
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A Dwij who is not excellent, desiring purity, must serve others who are of low lineage or are Ku-Brahma. In this situation, they inevitably acquire the faults of those they serve.
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Due to the importance of their qualities, Dwijas are considered worthy of receiving donations. Those who possess many qualities are revered by all, including those who are themselves revered.
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Therefore, Dwijas should strive to strengthen their worthiness through their qualities. If they lack these qualities, they will be deprived of wealth and respect.
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I will now explain these ten qualities in order, according to their names.
|| 174 ||
The ten qualities are: Atibalavidya, Kulaavadhi, Varnottamatva, Paatratva, Srishti Adhikari, Vyavahaareshita, Avadhyatva, Adandayata, Maanaarhata, and Praja Sambandhanta. These ten qualities are described in order in the Upasakasangraha. I will now briefly explain these qualities in order, according to their names.
|| 175-177 ||
The education and training of a Dwij from childhood is called Atibalavidya. This is a highly desirable practice for Dwijas.
|| 178 ||
Without this Atibalavidya, a Dwij remains ignorant, unable to distinguish between what is worthy and unworthy. He is deceived by those who falsely claim to be Dwijas and falls into the study of false scriptures.
|| 179 ||
Therefore, it is appropriate for Dwijas to study the scriptures of Shravakaachara from childhood. Those who receive good conduct through these scriptures become capable of saving themselves and others.