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## Chapter 268: The Mahapurana
**Verse 312:**
The righteous King Bharata, establishing those twice-born in his own time, spoke to them in a loud voice, "These are the actions of the virtuous, the actions of the *garbha-anvaya* (lineage from the womb), which are highly esteemed. I will now begin to speak of the *garbha-anvaya* actions, which are fifty-three in number, starting from the womb and ending with liberation. And after that, I will speak of the actions of *diksha-anvaya* (lineage from initiation), which are also worthy of being spoken about."
**Verse 313:**
"The noble soul who, having heard and understood these proper actions, starting from the *garbha-adhana* (consecration of the womb), which are esteemed by the best of the twice-born, and having established his mind in the vision of the Jina, obtains the necessary materials for these actions, both from himself and from others, and performs them, becomes a *bhavyatma* (a soul destined for liberation), a perfect knower, and attains the position of the crown jewel of the three worlds, that is, he attains liberation and resides in the forefront of the three worlds."
**End of the 38th Chapter of the *Trishattilakshana Mahapurana* by Bhagavan Jinasena Acharya, which describes the birth of the twice-born and the actions of the *garbha-anvaya*.**
**We will discuss their further chapters in the next section.**