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## The Thirty-Eighth Chapter
A **Shravaka** should nurture the **Sangha** by guiding **Shravakas** and **Shravikas** towards the right path, even if they are **Samyata** (restrained). ||16||
He should give **Shruta** (scriptural knowledge) to those who seek it and **Vīkṣaṇa** (spiritual guidance) to those seeking **Dīkṣā** (initiation). He should always teach **Sadharma** (true Dharma) to those who seek it. ||170||
He should encourage those who follow the right path, prevent those who follow the wrong path, and purify himself from the impurities of his past actions, thus protecting his **Gaṇa** (group). ||171||
This is the **Gaṇopagrahaṇa** (taking charge of the group). The **Ācārya** (teacher) has revealed the **Gaṇapoṣaṇa** (nurturing the group). Therefore, he should strive to attain the position of his **Guru** (spiritual teacher). ||172||
Having mastered all knowledge, the **Muni** (ascetic) should call a worthy disciple who is respected by other **Munis** and **Āryikās** (female ascetics) and entrust him with his responsibilities. ||173||
With the **Guru's** permission, the disciple should also take on the **Guru's** position, follow his teachings, and guide the entire **Gaṇa**. ||174||
This is the **Svagurosthānāvāpti** (attaining the position of the Guru).
Having entrusted all responsibilities to a worthy disciple, the **Sadhu** (saint) should remain free from suffering at all times. He should practice **Nissanggatvātmabhāvanā** (meditation on the non-attachment of the self) while living alone. ||175||
The **Mahātāpā** (great ascetic) who lives a life free from attachment, who lives alone, and who desires only to purify his own self, should not try to purify anyone else. He should not be concerned with the improvement of other **Sadhus** or householders, but only with his own self. ||176||
He should abandon attachment to all things, including his disciples, scriptures, and other possessions. He should focus his mind on **Nirmamatva** (non-egoism) and strive for purity of conduct. ||177||
This is the **Nissanggatvātmabhāvanā** (meditation on the non-attachment of the self).
Having purified his own self in this way, he should then strive for **Sallekhanā** (voluntary death). He should achieve **Ātmaśuddhi** (purification of the self), **Adhyātma** (spiritual knowledge), and **Yoga** (spiritual practice), and ultimately attain **Nirvāṇa** (liberation). ||178||
The **Maharshis** (great sages) have considered **Gaṇopagrahaṇa** (taking charge of the group) to be the action of one who is dedicated to this task. ||168||
This **Ācārya** should nurture the **Sangha** by guiding **Munis**, **Āryikās**, **Shravakas**, and **Shravikas** towards the right path. ||169||
He should also give **Dīkṣā** (initiation) to those who seek to study the scriptures and teach **Dharma** (righteousness) to those who seek it. ||170||
He should encourage those