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## Thirty-eighth Chapter
**243.** Giving earth, gold, etc., to a householder who is like oneself, who is a liberator from the ocean of existence, and who is endowed with actions, mantras, and vows, is called **Sama-Datti**. **38.** Giving to a middle-class recipient with the same understanding and with faith is also called **Sama-Datti**. **39.** Giving one's entire family, including wealth, to one's son for the sake of the lineage is called **Sakala-Datti**. **40.** Studying the scriptures, contemplating their meaning, is called **Swadhyaya**. Fasting, etc., is called **Tapa**. Observing vows is called **Samyama**. **41.** These six types of pure conduct are the duty of the twice-born. He who transgresses them is a fool, a twice-born in name only, not in essence. **42.** **Tapa**, scriptural knowledge, and **jati** are the three causes of being a Brahmin. He who is devoid of **Tapa** and scriptural knowledge is a Brahmin only by **jati**. **43.** The livelihood of these people is free from sin, therefore their **jati** is considered superior. Because giving, worship, and study are their main activities, and because their vows are pure, their noble **jati** is even more refined. **44.** Although the human **jati** is one, arising from the karma of **jati**, it becomes fourfold due to the differences in livelihood. **45.** Those who are initiated into vows are Brahmins, those who bear arms are Kshatriyas, those who earn wealth justly are Vaishyas, and those who engage in low occupations are Shudras. **46.** Therefore, the initiation of the twice-born is considered to be through **Tapa** and scriptural study. But he who is not initiated through **Tapa** and scriptural study is a twice-born only by **jati**. **47.** He who is born twice, once from the womb and again through initiation, is called a **Dwijanma** or **Dwij**. But he who is devoid of both actions and mantras is a twice-born only in name. **48.** Therefore, the great king, wishing to strengthen the initiation of these twice-born, explained to them all the different types of actions. **49.**
**37.** Offering food, etc., with respect and reverence is called **Patra-Dana**.
* **Sama-Datti:** Equal giving.
* **Sakala-Datti:** Giving everything.
* **Swadhyaya:** Self-study.
* **Tapa:** Austerity, penance.
* **Samyama:** Restraint, control.
* **Jati:** Birth, caste.
* **Dwijanma:** Twice-born.
* **Dwij:** Twice-born.
* **Patra-Dana:** Giving to a worthy recipient.